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Why does God allow
human heartache and mis–
ery? But especially, why
does God let tragedy strike
little children ?
Patrick A. Parnell
wrote a letter
to a syndicated news–
paper columnist. In it
she said:
" I can tell you firsthand that
of all human suffering, none can
equal the pain of a mother who
must put her young child into a
Another mother recently had to
face that pain. Her 11-year-old son
Kevin died after suffering most of
his life from cystic fibrosis. She
described Kevin's moving last
words. She held Kevin through the
final night. In the morning he knelt
in his hospital bed and with his
remaining breath said: "Not yet.
Not yet. I'm not ready yet."
" 1 don't know whether he was
talking to God or not," she said.
1 was also deeply saddened by
another real life story, this one con–
cerning a little 3-year-old girl.
My wife and
took an afternoon
to visit and relax together at a near–
by park, nestled sorne 3,000 feet
high in a beautiful mountain set–
ting. Patches of snow were still on
the ground. Overhead the sun
shone brightly against a deep blue
sky. A slight breeze ru s tl ed
through surrounding pine trees- a
gorgeous, serene, pristine atmo–
sphere. But even in this peaceful
environment, miles from the near–
est city, we were reminded of this
world's harsh realities.
1 saw what looked like a wanted
poster, stapled to a bulletin board ,
attached to the side of a restroom
facility. Upon closer inspection 1
reali zed it was a missing child
As 1 read the information below
the little gi rl 's picture, my stomach
began churning and feeling light.
Tears welled up in my eyes. The
report read: "Laura Ann Brad–
bury- white female, 3 years old, 3
feet tall, 25 to 30 pounds, sandy
blonde hair, dark brown eyes. Last
November/ December 1985
Little Children