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Untold Story
Kei th W. Stump
Read here the eye-opening facts about the
of Jesus' birth.
would a maga–
zine address in ear–
ly autumn the sub–
ject of J esus' birth?
Surely that would be a topic
mo r e suitable t o a wintry
(Northern Hemi s phere) De–
cember, when readers' minds
are turning toward the
Christmas season.
Or would it?
Was Jesus bo rn
1f not, when was he
And in what year?
What dilference does it
makc, anyway?
These are questions
The Plain Truth
from a considerable num–
bcr of readers each
is time they
were answered!
of the revered Church of the Nativi–
ty, built over the traditional site of
Jesus' birth .
l nevitably, sorne of tbese tourists
arrive in Israel unprepared. They
have not thoroughly studied their
guidebooks. As they step off their
plane, they receive a real
November through early March
But again we ask, Why
do wc answer them at
time of year?
A Visit to Bethlehem
1n late December of each
year, thousands of tourists
Worshipers crowd into Bethlehem for a
Christmas service. A few linger in Manger
Square after dark. Tbe Holy Land is
year-round; notice tbe coats.
flock into the small town of Bethle–
hem in the Judean Hills south of
Jerusalem to participate in annual
Christmas celebrations there. Sorne
make the 6-mile journey from Jeru–
salcm on foot. Upon arrival, they
crowd with silent awe into the paved
expanse of Manger Square in front
November/ Decemb er 1985
is "winter" in Israel! The weather
gets cold, especially at night. Often
it rains-or even snows! Yet many
a rrive in Israel carrying luggage
bulging with summer attire, rea–
soning that it is always hot and arid
in the Middle East. So they hur–
riedly purchase coats and sweaters
in Te! Aviv or J erusalem for their
pilgrimage down to Bethlehem.
Nevertheless, most of those who
stand in Manger Square on Decem–
ber 25 each year- prepared and
unprepared al ike- fail to perceive
the message being proclaimed by
the very weather around them!
Notice this plain testimony of
your Bible: On the day of
Jesus' birth " therc were
in the same country shep–
herds abiding in the field,
keeping watch over their
flock by night " (Luke
The shepherds were living out in
the open fields, tending the ir Aock
through the night. The point?
Ask any biblical scholar, or any
modero Israelí: This
have occurred in Judea in the month
of December- nor even in Novem–
ber, or late October for that matter!