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A s our readers know,
book titled
Mystery of the Ages
is appearing
serially in
The Plain Truth.
This issue
carries chapter 2-"Mystery of Angels and
Evil Spirits."
In my book I give sorne personal experiences
with the very real, but invisible spirit world. 1
think our readers would benefit by reading about
these experiences in this "Personal."
Angels serve a great function in carrying out God's
purpose for humanity. They are his invisible agents
often ministering in ways few understand to us poor
humans who are heirs of salvation.
My wife, Loma, and
have both experienced this in
personal incidents.
When our elder daughter was a baby, Mrs.
Armstrong was sleeping with the child beside her on
the inside of the bed against a bedroom wall. She
heard a voice calling out, "Move Beverly." She
thought it was a dream and without waking continued
in sleep. She then heard the same voice again, a little
louder. She half awakened, saw nothing, again thought
it was a dream, turned over and was once again going
to sleep, when the voice a thi rd time was heard, this
time loud and emphatic: "MOVE BEVERLY."
Bewildered, she moved the child to the other side of
her, anda second or two later, a heavy framed picture
that hung on the wall immediately over where the
child had been lying crashed down on the bed.
November/ December 1985
might have crushed the child's head or severely
injured her. The only explanation was tbat God sent
an angel to save Beverly's life.
In the early days of my ministry, about 1934, 1 was
driving acarone very stormy night in a downpour of
rain on a highway south of Eugene, Oregon.
driving about 40 miles an hour on a very winding
approached a sharp curve in tbe road, the
steering wheel of my car suddenly turned sharply to
the left, as if wrenched out of my hand by sorne
invisible force. Directly ahead of me was a wrecked
truck. I just missed it, passing on its left.
was dark,
and a wrecked car was standing just ahead of me. The
steering wheel of the car was suddenly wrenched out
of my hands, and the car turned sharply toward the
right. My car passed between the northbound car and
the southbound truck back onto the right lane, with
not more than a single inch to spare between the
wrecked car and truck. I had never experienced
anything like it. The steering wheel of my car was
turned by sorne force out of my control and against
my hand holding it straight forward.
A previous time, late in 1927, within the first year
of my conversion, I encountered a similar experience.
Experience of the Crooked Spine
After my wife and
had made sorne little progress in
gaining bíblica! understanding on the subject of
healing, Aimee Semple McPherson carne to Portland.
She held an evangelistic campaign in the Portland
Auditorium. My wife and I attended once, and then I
went alone another time. We were "checking up" on
many religious teachings and groups. Unable to gain
entrance, because of packed attendance, 1 was told by
an usher that I might be able to slip in at the rear
stage door if
would hurry around. Walking, or
running, around the block to the rear, I carne upon a
sorry spectacle.
A woman and child were trying to get a terribly
crippled elderly man out of a carnear tbe stage
entrance. 1 went over to help them. The man had a
badly twisted spine-whether from arthritis, or
deformity from birth, or other disease Ido not now
remember. He was utterly helpless and a pitiful sight.
We managed to get bim to the stage door. Actually,
1 should never have been admitted, had 1 not been
helping to carry this cripple in. He had cometo be