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ual deviate is evil , not him.
At times, even the hardened
criminal will do sorne "helpful"
things for others, give money to
charity or a ttend sorne " responsi–
ble" socia l function, j usl to show
himself a nd olhers lhat he is
"good." (ln turn this allows sorne
to feel they can engage in a few
more criminal acls- " Good" to
them is bala ncing off good a nd
evil acls.) J eremiah 17:9 reveals
this deceptive lendency in men.
Now learn a critica! lesson
about sin and criminal behavior.
Here are dramatically opposite
results of two children raised
essentially under the same envi–
ronment, parentally and cul–
A Lesson in Crlmlnality
ln Genesis, chapter 4, we read
thal Cain a nd Abei- Adam and
Eve' s first children- each
broughl an offering to God. But
we learn from scripture that Abe!
was " ri ghteous" (Matthew
23:35). Abe! had God's Holy
Spirit. He disciplined his mind
and characler because he saw in
God 's laws and promises precious
things he perceived and valued.
He submitted to God . Abel re–
sisled the influence of Satan. He
saw a redeeming payment for his
sins through a coming Savior. He
saw what happened to his parents
and chose to resist simi lar evil
attitudes and actions.
But Caín let a different atti–
tude, spirit and outlook ta ke root
in his mind. To Caín, God's laws
and ways were too harsh and
unfair. God's promises for living
right didn' t appeal to him. What
was exciting to his mind was to
"get" exaltation, wealth and
power for himself- now.
Tha t 's why his offering was
not accepted by God. He was not
living right. He became indignant
against God.
Notice what God then said to
Caí n: " Why are you a ngry, and
why has your countenance fall–
en? lf you do well , will you not be
accepted? And if you do not well,
sin is couching at the door; its
desire is for you , but
you must .
master it!"
(Genesis 4:6, 7,
RSV) .
Caín was. not lold by the Cre–
ator tbat his lack of educational
surroundings was jusliñcalion for
his evil attitude. He was nol told
he was in no way responsi blc for
his altitudes. He was told it was
his responsibility
to mas ter and
control wrong impulses or evi l
innuences thal carne into hi s
mind, whalever the source.
Too many today a re likc Caín .
They excuse their failure lo live
upríghtly. They do not resist evil
thoughts and practices. Thcy
blame others for their fai lings.
not lo resist the
attitudes Satan was pumping at
his mind. He soon rose, up and
murdered his brother, Abel.
This is how crime among men
Scripture warns us today to
avoid being " like Cain who was
of the evi l one and murdered his
brother. And why did he murder
him? Beca use his own deeds were
evil and his brother's righteous"
(1 John 3:12, RSV) .
Warning for Today
There is strong evidence that a
person's temperament under the
bombardment of Satan 's evi l
moods and thoughts play a signif–
icant role in determining who is
more likely to become a hardcore
One 15-year study of hardcore
criminals* found that even as
young chi ldren these crimina ls
were different from their sib–
lings- more restle ss, eas ily
bored, desirous of excitement.
Their thinking was more rapid,
continuous, intense and self-cen–
tered. These youths found more
discipl ined and traditional values
and ways of doing things boring,
uninteresting, unexciting. Their
parents often did not know how
to master the situation.
Sorne personalities let them–
selves be more respon sive to
Satan's wavelength . (We a re
each responsible for guarding the
doors of our mind!) Most pa rents
and teachers can readily discern
youths whose temperament, ener–
gy and mental abilities lead them
into more mischief than others.
These children are more self–
centered, not concerned about
olhers. They need both a stronger
lovi ng and disciplining ha nd .
Ma ny paren ts do not know how
to handle them.
"Tra in up a child in the way he
should go," commands the Bible,
"and when he is old he wi ll not
depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).
" Disci pline your son while there
is hope" (Proverbs 19:18, RSV) .
Sound childrearing is not
merel y punishment or dea ling
with childhood infractions.
positive, yet firm instruction in
righl values a nd attitudes, cou–
pled with much expression of !ove
and affection along with proper
discipline. Sorne youthful person–
a lities and temperaments need
more guida nce than others.
Individual Ultlmately Responsible
lt is time to stop creating excuses
for cr iminal and unsocial behav–
lor- whether in children , juve–
niles or hardened criminals.
C hildren need to be taught
from early ages that God ulti–
mately will hold them responsible
for their characler (Ecclesiastes
11 :9, 12: 14). They need to have it
impressed on their minds that the
ul timate
of sin and of criminal behavior,
unrepented of, is death- nothing–
ness for a ll eternity-the "zero"
state c riminals fear most , yet
plunge toward (Romans 6:23 ,
Malachi 4:3).
The good news is that Satan is
going to be forcibly thrust from
his role of god of this world. Jesus
Christ is coming to restore the
Government of God over the
earth. The criminally minded will
either repent or perish .
But in today' s world you need
s piritual weapons-spiritual
help---to counteract the power of
Satan. " The weapons of [a true
Christian's] warfare are not car–
nal, but mighty through God to
the pulling down of strong holds
[of Sata n's altitudes and tempta–
( ll
Corinthians 10:4).
" Resist the devil and he will
flee from you, " reveals James
4:7. "Be sober, be vigilant; be–
cause your adversary the devil , as
a roaring !ion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour" ( 1
Peter 5:8) . o