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and further, of WHAT and WHY
man is, what salvation is, how it is
received, what is the true gospel,
what and why the Church is and
what of the future!
What ls God Like?
The word
is not used any–
where in the Bible. 1 am going to
make completely clear, as we pro–
ceed, God has not limited himself
to a "Trinity." The surprising
truth, once understood, is the most
wonderful revelation the human
mind could receive or contain!
The very tirst idea or teaching
about God being a Trinity began in
the latter half of the second cen–
tury-a hundred years after most of
the New Testament had been writ–
ten. The counterfeit Christianity
spawned by Simon the Sorcerer was
promoting it vigorously along with
the pagan Easter. But the true
Church of God vigorously resisted
it. The controversy became so vio–
lent it threatened the peace of the
world. The then-pagan Emperor
Constantine called this Nicene
Council to settle it. The Roman
Emperor's supporters greatly out–
numbered the persecuted true
Church of God.
You will tind a prophecy of these
two churches in the book of Revela–
tion. In the 12th chapter is the
prophecy of the true Church of God,
greatly persecuted. Jesus called it
flock." In the 17th chap–
ter you will tind the prophecy of the
counterfeit church- a very great
church, named by God "Mystery,
Babylon the great, the mother of
harlots" (verse 5). She lined up with
and sat astride the política! govern–
ments. The whole world will gasp in
WONDER (verse 8) when this religio–
political medieval "Holy Roman
Empire" is brought back to life!
now in the preliminary stages of
forming, starting from the Common
False Scripture Added
There is only one small passage in
the Authorized Version of the
Bible that is generally used by
Trinity adherents to support the
Trinity doctrine. This passage is
found in l John 5:7-8, and is brack–
eted in the following quotation:
"For there are three that bear
record [in heaven, the Father, the
Word, and the Holy Ghost: and
these three are one. And there are
three that bear witness in earth],
the spirit, and the water, and the
blood: and these three agree in
one." Those bracketed words were
added by editors to the Latín Vul–
gate translation probably in the ear–
ly 4th century. They do not appear
of the older Greek manu–
scripts nor in other English transla–
tions. They were added to the Latín
Vulgate during the heat of the con–
troversy between Rome and Dr.
Arius and God's people.
Bible commentaries explain that
these words were never written in
the apostle John's manuscript or
any existing early or later copies of
it. The apostle John in his three
epistles and the Revelation speaks
of "the Father, and .. . Son" (I
J ohn 1:3), but never of " the Father
and the Word," except in this unin–
spired part of I John 5:7-8.
There was a real reason why the
archdeceiver Satan wanted that spu–
rious verse added in the Latín Vul–
gate from which it crept into the
Authorized Version. The Trinity
doctrine completely does away with
the gospel of Jesus Christ. His gos–
pel is the MESSAGE he brought man–
kind from God the Father, the good
news of the coming KINGDOM OF
Goo! That is the ONE thing above all
Satan wants to defeat. This will
become plain as we proceed.
One world-famous evangelist
said: "When 1 tirst began to study
the Bible years ago, the doctrine of
the Trinity was one of the most
complex problems I had to
encounter . I have never fully
resolved it, for it contains an aspect
of mystery. Though Ido not totally
understand it to this day, 1 accept it
as a revelation of God.... To
explain and illustrate the Trinity is
one of the most difficult assign–
ments to a Christian."
Holy Spirit Poured Out
Much is also made of the fact that in
a number of places in modern trans–
lations the masculine pronoun
carelessly used in connection with
the Holy Spirit. But not always–
sometimes the Holy Spirit is
referred to as
in these very same
translations. For example, in the pas–
sage describing the tirst coming of
the Holy Spirit for the founding of
the Church of God on that memora–
ble day of Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit carne from heav–
en, audibly, sounding like a mighty
wind, "and
[the Holy Spirit]
tilled all the house where they were
sitting." Next, the Holy Spirit
peared- w
fested- "And there appeared unto
them cloven tongues like as of tire,
[the Holy Spirit
the form
of divided tongues] sat upon each
of them" (Acts 2:2-3). In verse 18,
Peter is quoting from the prophet
Joel: " I will
pour out
of my
Spirit. . . ." The Holy Spirit, like
water or a fluid, can be "pouRED
OUT." Can you pour out a person
from one into another-as from
God into those assembled there?
J ohn 7:37-39: "In the last day, that
great day of the feast, Jesus stood
and cried, sayjng,
any man thirst,
Jet him come unto me, and drink.
He that believeth on me, as the
scripture hath said, out of bis belly
shall flow rivers of living water.
(But this spake he of the Spirit,
which they that believe on him
should receive: for the Holy [Spir–
it] was not yet given; because that
Jesus was not yet gloritied.)"
Again in Acts 10:45, " ... on the
Gentiles also was
poured out
gift of the Holy [Spirit]. "
Finally, in briefest summary: God
is a FAMILY composed at present of
the TWO Persons of John 1:1-4, but
with many thousands , already
by God's Spirit, in God's
true Church, soon to be born into
that divine family at Christ's return
to earth. Jesus Christ, by bis resur–
rection, was BORN a divine Son of
God (Rom. 1:4)-the
so born
into the God family (Rom. 8:29) .
Both God and Christ are com–
posed of spirit, formed and shaped
as a human person, but with eyes
like flames of tire and faces bright
as the sun full strength!
God is Creator of all that exists.
Both God and the Word (who
became Christ) have existed eter–
nally and before all else. From
them emanates the Spirit of God,
by which God is omnipresent and
omniscient. God the Father is the
divine Father of the God family,
into which truly converted Chris–
tians shall be born . o