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be part of a wholc new approach
to physics, which could lcad
awesome consequences, e .g. man–
made earthquakes. dcath - rays
and a r tificial electrical storms
gcnerated at will any place on
T he Sovie.ts take seriously the
ideas of the turn-of-the-century
inventor. N ikola Testa. T esta
once workcd for T homas Edison
and was a famous inventor in his
own right. For example he madc
AC electrical current commer–
cially possible.
But Tesla's ideas were not con–
fined to such now mundane mat–
ters like AC current. T esta be–
lieved that the ear th itself was a
conductor of elect ricity, and that
it even had its own electromag–
netic "frequency." By being
' 'tuned" to the right frequency ,
you could theoretically d raw off
an unlimi ted amount of energy.
Moreover, you could shift a t re–
mendous amount of electr ical
power around the g lobe at wi ll.
We cannot know for certain at
t his time whether certa in elect ri –
ca l storms-the heat ligh tn ing
which devasted Alaskan forests
or the lightning storm which
caused the New York City black–
ou t- were the product of Soviet
exper iments based on Tesla's the–
ories. But examine sorne of the
evidence which points in that
• The lightning storm which
caused the New York City black–
out occurred when t he Soviet
transmissions were going full
• T he eerie pulsating lightning
which occurred over T immons,
Ontario, a lso coincided with the
Soviet transmissions and have yet
to be given any natural explana–
• A Soviet scientist spent sev–
era! mon ths in Quebec, inter–
view ing Tesla's last known livi ng
ass istan t, Art hur M a t t hews .
Shortly thereafter, the Soviets
began their radio experiments.
• T he Tangshan earthquake
was immediately preceded by a
strange electrical display, and
followed by extreme radio inter–
ference . Indeed. one of the rea–
sons for the high death toll was
thc fact of a
radio blackout
after the t remors. Consider this
bizarre account of thc Tangshan
quake. as reported by the J une 2.
1977, edition of thc New York
T imes:
" Just before the first t remor
last summer at 3:42 a.m., the sky
over T angshan lit up 'li ke day–
light,' waking thousands who
thought their room lighls had
been turned on. T he mullihued
lighls, mainly red and white,
were seen up to 200 miles away.
" Half a mile from the fa ult
line, which ran north-northeast
and south-soulhwest, one field of
corn the size of a n airpor t was
knocked over, in the same di rec–
tion, as t hough by sorne gian t
wind: Leaves on many nearby
t rees were burnt to a crisp a nd
growing vegeta bies were scorched
on one side as if by a fireball."
T he Tangshan quake occurred
in the first month of the Soviet
transmissions- perhaps at a time
when their scientists d id not yet
fu lly real ize what could happen
wh e n substant ia l amoun ts of
e lectromag net i c ene r gy a r e
shifted around the globc.
Role in Prophecy
"Canst thou send lighlnings, that
they may go, and say unto thee,
Here we are? " God asked Job
(J ob 38:35). The point was, puny
J ob, fo r all his righteousness,
could no t c ustom-make t he
wea.ther. As God put it, "Canst
thou lift up thy voice to the
clouds, t hat abunda nce of waters
may cover thee?" (Job 38:34).
Have Soviet scientists suc–
ceeded in doing what God told
J ob he couldn't do? T hey may
very well be able to affect the
weather-perhaps more drasti–
cally than anything up to now
envisioned by man (Nikola Testa
excepted )- but their control may
not be good enough to fo rce the
weather to do their biddi ng with–
out any possibil ity of backfire.
T hus, wh ile the Un ited States
suffered three of its coldest win–
ters ever in rapid succession, this
lasl winter saw temperatu res re–
t u rn
normal in the United
in the Soviet Union.
T here are also other explana-
tions for the Soviet radio experi–
ments. One U.S. in te ll igence
source bclicves them to be the
resulls of lrying lo develop over–
thc-hor izon radar, a necessity for
a n antimissilc system .
T he
Ouawa Journal.
on the
other hand, speculates that the
experimcnls are part of an effort
to keep rad io communications
going in the event of a nuclear
war. And sorne Amer ican devo–
tees of Tesla, in view of the fact
that the frequency of the radio
waves is almost identical to that
of sorne human brain waves,
have suggested the experiments
are part of an attempt a t wor ld–
wide mind control or a t Ieast a n
attempt to influence behavior.
At the moment we cannot say
for sure. Bu t we do know that
Bible prophecy does say t ha t
drought (Amos 4:7-8, Levit icus
26:1 9-20) a nd earthquakes (Mat–
thew 24:7) would be direct indi–
cators of the time of the end of
human civilzation as we know
it-immediately before the birth
of the Wor ld Tomorrow when
peace will be brought to earth
a nd the Kingdom of God estab–
lished. God has used great gent ile
superpowers in the past as H is
instruments to punish sinning
nations (I I Kings 17:5-23). ln–
deed , God even refers to one
gentile superpower as "the rod of
mine a nger" (Isaiah 10:5). Hu–
man radio experiments may very
well be a means by whic h God
brings prophecies of upset weath–
er to pass.
Finally, one implication of the
radio experiments is very impor–
Don't be fooled by a spate
of normal weather!
If indeed the
technology is now Ioose in the
world whereby man can wreak
havoc with the weather, then
weather condit ions can c ha nge
very rapidly! Conditions prophe–
sied to happen could deve lop
a lmost overnight!
Don't "go lo sleep" (see Mat–
thew 25:1-12) just because
weather may be normal
year .
Who knows what me n wi th
weather-altering technology will
year? Now more than
ever you need to be alert to the
events of these end times. o