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What Is
True Success?
John Ross Schroeder
Success is back in vogue.
Books on how to succeed
have returned to best-seller
lists. But are people really
discovering true success?
your eyes on sorne
new titles now in your
local bookstore.
Getting Yours, Win–
ning with Deception and Bluff,
How to Get Ahead by "Psych–
ing Out" Your Boss and Co–
It's embarrassing! You'd think
that publishers would be ashamed
of such bold titles. But at least
they' re being honest.
The naked pursuit of material–
ism grips the minds of many. Indi–
viduals are intent on getting theirs
while the getting is good. The mil–
lionaire chase is on.
But is this the type of success
that is best for human beings? ls
this the brand of s uccess that
brings happiness?
Success is often thought of as
building a winning reputation–
amassing wealth-wielding power
over others. lsn't there more to suc–
cess than "making it to the top"–
often by climbing over others to get
A Trip to East Texas
In a summer more than 30 years ago
a middle-aged man took a long auto–
mobile t rip from Pasadena, Califor–
nia, to Eastern Texas. With him
were his wife and younger son.
known in his 20s and early 30s.
This man had been unusually
success ful in his youth . H is
advertising business had thrown
him into constant contact with
the great and near-great of this
He knew the American philos–
opher and lecturer .Elbert Hub–
bard. He was privileged to know
many multimillionai re capitalists
and heads of great corporat ions in
the American business world.
On reflection and undisturbed
concentration in the car, he real–
ized that even these great men
had not- after all was said and
done- achieved true success.
Yes, they al! had reaped material
rewards. Their personal bank
accounts bulged with money.
They had applied sorne of the
right principies of success.
But they hadn't been aware of
the true values. They lacked the
guidance and help of the great
God. They never possessed the
one right goal in life.
This long motorcar trip from
California to Texas brought forth
a brand new dimension to the sub–
ject of success. Undisturbed con–
centration-away from normal
telephonic interference and rou–
tine executive duties- crystal–
lized this man's thoughts on the
so-called successful people of this
world. What things had they all
done to bring material success?
What right principies had they
followed? And
what great overrid–
ing principie had
they all-to a
Seven Laws of
Eventually the sev–
began to emerge in this man's
mind. One by one-step-by–
step-a clear picture of the true
principies of success slowly
began to form.
His identity? He just happens
to be the edi tor in chief of
Truth- Herbert
W. Arm–
strong. Now in his 94th year, Mr.
Armstrong is enjoying more true
success than ever before in his
long li fe. His big secret is practic–
ing what he has termed the "give"
way of life-as opposed toa total–
y opposite philosophy he has
dubbed the "get" way.
Remember the book titles
quoted at the onset of this arti–
cle? They all center on this self–
ish "get" way of life. Any tem–
porary material success achieved
through following theirs a nd
simila r advice will turn into
empty husks in the long run . The
values are false. The philosophy
is in error.
But realizing real success is
more than discovering the one
big principie embodied in the
"give" way. Human beings need
more detailed instruction. After
all , the two great principies of
right conduct-love God fore–
most and your neighbor as your–
self- are carefully broken down
into 1O specific commandments.
lt's the same with success.
The one big principie of
attaining success is subdivided
into seven specific laws. Mr .
Armstrong has published an
attractively printed booklet all
about these seven laws of suc–
cess. He has spelled them out in
detail. He has explained what
tru e s uccess is and how to
achieve it.
is certainly true that you can
derive sorne benefit from reading
the better success books available
in bookstores. But even the best of
these will cost you money and
none will give you the all-impor–
tant overview of suc–
Riding along in the car hour after
hour this man began to think about
the scores of successful men he had en laws of success ·
Mr. Armstrong's
booklet-aptly entitled
The Seven Laws of
gratis-totally free of
charge. Your copy is
on reserve for you in
our mailing room.
September 1985