(Continued from page 12)
beginning of this decade brain cells
from infant rats were for the first
time successfully transplanted into
aging rats. Within three to six
years, said the Univers i ty of
Rochester Medica! Center, tes ts on
humans can begin, to treat such
disorders as Parkinson's disease.
Dr. Provonsha told
The Plain
"When you start playing
around with brains . .. you deal
with meaningful quality of life.
Even now scientists are working
with psychosurgery, and the ethical
issues are very great."
Indeed they are! But, regardless
of the moral , ethical and spiritual
ramifications, science won't stop
there . N oted Dr. Provonsha :
" Science is running the danger of
outstripping its morals. When one's
technology outstrips its morals
there's a breakdown of that tech–
nology . Science cannot be de–
pended upon to be morally sensi–
tive. That ' s why we need ethi–
Yet it takes more than ethicists
to lifeboat medica! science, adrift in
the middle of a treacherous techno–
logical current. Who will judge the
What , tben, is the fu ture of
man ? To be one day a "completely
artificial , replaceable bionic hu–
man" ?
Dr. Willem Kolff of the Uni–
versity of Utah predicts accurately,
then in the near future, " we will be
able to replace or assist most func–
tions of the body with artificial
parts. "
Another medica! professor
opined less assertively: "The pres–
ent goal of medicine seems to be
indefinite life, perhaps in the end
with somebody else' s heart or liver,
somebody else's arteries, but not
somebody else' s brain . Should
transplants succeed , those with
senile brains will form an ever–
increasing fract ion of the inhab–
itants of the earth . I find this a
terrifying prospect."
lt Could All Have Been Avoided
Now consider this. Humans need
never have had faulty interna!
organs, disease or malnutrition in
the first place!
Sickness, pain and suffering are
the result of broken laws, the pen–
alty nature exacts because natural
and spiritual laws that regulate the
physical body and mind have been
broken. People seldom call in the
physicians until they are ill. Then
medica! science attempts to nullify
or remove the penalty.
Surgeons have demonstrated
that they
accomplish the trans–
plant. They
do tbe repair job.
But medica! science pays little
attention to causes and treats only
the etfects. Dr. Arnold Relman,
editor of the
New England Journal
of Medicine,
says rightly: " It is a
big mistake to put too much
emphasis on transplants. The real
drama lies in conquering the dis–
ease, not in a technological tour de
force that prolongs life a bit for the
relative few."
· Mankind , beginning with the
first man, Adam, has spread all
sails in voyages of
discover y, rather than
knowledge. This the Creator knew
would happen, seeing the example
of Adam. God also knew that man–
kind, once civilization had begun,
would advance, unrestrained (Gen.
:6)- right into extinction unless
God intervened in time to stop the
nuclear extinction of humanity
(Matt. 24:22) .
Adam had taken of the sym–
bolic "tree of Iife" (Gen. 1-3), he
would have received spiritual as
well as physical knowledge directly
f rom the Creator God, telling him
how to solve his problems.
Without this revealed spiritual
knowledge mankind has, as one
author put it, " slowed to groping its
way into a fog-bound future, taking
soundings as it goes." This world,
lost without God, has been for
nearly 6 ,000 years reaping the
wearying results of human confu–
sion under the invisible rule of
Satan, the god of this age
Fortunately, the Creator will
step in soon- and restore contact
with God worldwide by sending
Jesus Christ the second time.
When he carne the first time, he
told those who would submit to the
authority of God and reject Satan's
sway that he would keep them in
good health (John 10:10) .
God wants us to lead active,
vibrant lives of abundant health
and well-being (111 John 2). He is
the same God "who forgives all
your iniquities, who heals all your
disease s" (Ps. 103 :3 , Revised
Authorized Version).
His offer has stood even since
the days of Moses in 1443
you diligently heed the voice of the
Lord your God and do what is right
in His sight, give ear to H is com–
mandments and keep all His stat–
will put none of the diseases
on you .. . . For
am the Lord who
heals you" (Ex. 15:26).
A new world is soon to appear on
earth- a world wherein no one will
have to live for the rest of his days
connected to the end of a plastic
God says disease and sickness
will be conquered. When his king–
dom rules, people will learn to obey
nature's laws.
Instead of doctors today having
little or no t ime to educate tqeir
patients against the causes of sick–
ness and disease, people will be
taught to avoid the cause of dis–
ease: broken laws, many of which
are already revealed in the Bible.
Ailments and infi rmities will
become a thing of the past when
people stop tran sgressi ng the
divinely created spiritual and nat–
ural laws-in other words, stop
John 3:4).
The Bible reveals that people in
the world tomorrow will learn
about sanitation, hygiene, proper
diet , sensible amounts of sleep,
the importance of pure water,
fresh air, sunshine and adequate
exercise. Trained professionals
will still have their role- in assist–
ing the birth of children, repairing
accidental physical injuries and
giving advice.
When the entire world begins to
learn and practice God's revealed
laws, other unbelievable promises
will follow: "Then the eyes of the
blind shall be opened, and the ears
of the deaf shall be unstopped.
T hen the lame shall leap like a
deer, and the tongue of the dumb
sing ..." (lsa. 35:5-6).
rn describing the conditions of
good health and plenty to overtake
this earth, God says: "For 1 will
restore health to you and heal you
of your wounds . . . " (Jer. 30: 17) .
T hat' s real progress! o