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pies, one's way of life and one's
concept of the hereafter.
The real CAUSES of al! this
world's religious confusion- and
all its evils-are revealed in SEVEN
BASIC MYSTERIES that decry this
babylon of religious confusion and
the resulting world chaos!
But now God's time has come!
He now sends a voice to cry out
with amplified world-covering
power to reveal the
way out
of this
senseless madness, into the world of
PEACE and righteousness that soon
grip the earth!
[n the book of Isaiah is a "Now"
prophecy: "The voice of him that
crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye
the way of tbe Lord.... lift up thy
voice witb strength; lift it up, be not
afraid; say ... Behold, the Lord God
will come with strong hand, and his
arm shall rule for him: bebold, his
reward is witb him, and his work
before bim" (lsa. 40:3, 9-10).
That voice now críes out!
The prophet Malacbi confirmed
this: "Behold,
will send my mes–
senger, and he shall prepare the
way before me: and the Lord,
whom ye seek, shall suddenly come
to bis temple, even the messenger
of the covenant, whom ye delight
in: behold, he shall come, saith the
Lord of hosts" (Mal. 3:1).
The Elijah to Come
Both of these prophecies have a
dual application. First, they refer to
John the Baptist, who prepared the
way before Jesus' human ministry
more than 1,900 years ago. BuT, as
a prototype, or forerunner, they
foretell one to prepare the way
before Christ's Second Coming as
the King of kings and Lord of lords
Malachi 's prophecy, like
Isaiah's, if you will read on past the
first verse, refers to a human mes–
senger preparing the way before
Christ's now imminent Second
Coming, this time in supreme
POWER ANO GLORY as Ruler over
all nations!
Understand the duality principie
here. T hese prophecies refer to a
type and its fulfillment.
John the Baptist was a voice cry–
ing out in the
wilderness of
the Jordan River area, preparing for
the human
Jesus' First
Coming to a
temple at
Jerusalem, toa
Judab. But
that was a prototype, or forerunner
of a voice "lifted up" (greatly ampli–
fied by modern printing, radio and
TV), crying out in the midst of
wilderness of reli–
gious confusion, announcing the
imminency of Christ's Second Com–
ing as the spiritually GLORIFIED
Christ, to his spiritual temple (the
Church resurrected to spirit immor–
tality) (Eph. 2:21-22).
Jesus carne, more than 1,900
years ago, to announce the FUTURE
kingdom of God. He's coming this
time to ESTABLISH that kingdom.
That end-time last warning mes–
sage is now going out worldwide in
amplified power.
I t's going before kings, emper–
ors, presidents, prime ministers of
nations-and to their peoples, on
all continents and all nations of the
How in this age of religious con–
fusion could one come to know
these seven basic mysteries of the
ages that decry this world-gripping
conglomeration of beliefs?
Why, in general, are people in
Thai land Buddhist; I taly, France
and Spain Catholic; tbose in tbe
Arab world Islamic? Primarily, of
course, because they and those
around them grew up being taught,
and automatically accepting, those
faiths. To expect one of them to dis–
cover the TRUTH (bidden from them
and also contrary to the teachings of
childhood and adultbood that
engulfed them) would seem to be
expecting the impossible.
Why do most people believe the
things tbey believe? Few, indeed,
ever stop to ask themselves in retro–
spect how they carne to accept the
beliefs that have found lodgmeilt in
their minds.
The Source of TRUTH
ou probably have
pictures of
the statue "The Thinker." A man
sitting alone, leaning forward,
elbows on bis knees, his hand sup–
porting his head. There, supposed–
ly, he sits in deep thought, hour
after hour, day after day-just
Supposedly that statue depicts
the manner in which sorne of the
religions of the world carne into
But "The Thinker" had nothing
to think
No foundation for
his thinking. No facts on which to
base his conjectures.
The human mind is not equipped
to manufacture truth with no basis
for that truth!
However, few, it seems, really
Most people accept carelessly
what they are taught from child–
hood. And, coming into maturity,
they accept that which they have
repeatedly beard, read or been
taught. They continue to go along,
usually without question, with their
peers. Most people do not real ize it,
but they have carelessly
what they believe without question
or proof.
et tbey will defend vig–
orously and emotionally their con–
has become human
nature for people to flow with the
stream-to go along with the
crowd-to believe and perform like
their peers around them.
Further, most people stubbornly
refuse to believe what they are
unwilling to believe. There's an old
saying, "He who is convinced
against bis will is of the same opin–
ion st ill."
I was no different. Of myself,
and of my own volition, 1 would
never bave discovered these GREAT
But tben, tbe prophet Moses
never would have discovered the
truths he wrote- the first five
books of the Bible. It required a
miraculous act of Goo, in the inci–
dent of the burning bush, to open
his mind and to reveal to him the
things of Goo. Moses did not seek
God. God called and drafted
Moses. Even on being confronted
by the very voice of God, Moses
protested. But God's command was
irresistible and Moses yielded.
The apostle Paul, centuries later,
never would have come to know or
reveal for us God's TRUTHS of his
own will. He was "breathing out
threatenings and slaughter against
the disciples of the Lord" (Acts
9: 1). But tbe living Jesus struck
bim down blind, brougbt him to his
senses and instructed him both in
knowledge and in what Christ
determined he sbould do. Cbrist in
Person revealed to bim many of the
TRUTHS you will read here.
How, tben, did I cometo under–
(Contínued on page 16)