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does human life start?
human life? It's time we knew this
that has remained a mystery.
Is abortion murder? ls it a crime? Is
? A crime is a violation of a man-made law.
Sin is transgression of
God's law
defines right as opposed to wrong.
Humanly legislated laws do not always do that.
Sorne things can be sin that are not a crime in
man-made laws. But man-made laws have even made
obedience to the higher law of God a crime,
punishable by death. For example, the Council of
363, enacted a law enforced by the
Roman government: "Christians must not Judaize by
resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day,
rather honouring the Lord's Day."
1f any were found to be Judaizing by "resting on
the Sabbath," they were to be declared "anathema
from Christ." This was interprctcd by the
government as a crime and often was punishable by
death. Yet the Jaw of God commands: "Remember
the sabbath day, to keep it holy."
But in the final judgment every individual will be
judged and sentenced according to the Jaw of God,
regardless of what has received general human
acceptance or what has been made into a human
The wholc controversy on abortion revolves
around the question: When does human life start?
Where did human life first bcgin? It began when
September 1985
God formed man from thc dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Gen.
2:7). God had said, " Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness. " God is composed of spirit. God
is a Spirit (John 4:24). But man was made out of
the ground-matter.
God's purpose is to reproduce himself through man,
who is formed of matter or substance. God creates in a
system of duality. Man was made first of material, the
ground. The second stage of man's creation calls for
making him into a holy, righteous spirit being as a
child of God. Thus God's ultimate purpose is to
reproduce himself-and God not only is formed and
composed of spirit, but God is perfect righteous
spiritual character. God's spiritual creation involves the
development, with man's own assent in this physical
life, of God's righteous character. To reproduce
himself, God purposed that man should reproduce
himself physically, even as God is reproducing himself
spiritually. The one is the type of the other.
Human life first began with the creation of the fi rst
man Adam by a process of reproduction. The human
life has continued from that original life and is
transmitted from generation to generation.
God said to the first man Adam, " Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth" (Gen. l :28). Man
was to reproduce himself physically-in other words,
continue that human Iife from generation to
generatíon. But the man was unable todo that. No
man has ever been able to reproduce himself all by
himself. So God performed an operation. He put man
into a "deep sleep," which today we would call
anesthesia, and operated, removing one of the man's
ribs, out of which he made a woman.
The.woman was not made from the dust of the
ground. Woman was first made from man. T he
two- the man and the woman- became one. How did
the two become one? They became one human family.
A famíly is composed of two or more. They
reproduced, had children , and the family increased.
That original family, by the process of human
reproduction, has been increasing for 6,000 years until
today there are about 4
billion of us humans
populating the earth.
The human life in every human being started
from the human life God created in Adam. Even
Eve's life carne from Adam. Every human life si nce