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them as they face the many díffi–
cult challenges of life in this
crooked society. There are threats
from addicts, gangs, molesters and
muggers. There are temptations
from peers, pushers and prostitutes
to go the wrong way. But if your
child has God as a friend, all these
thíngs can be overcome.
Then teach him the living princi–
pies contained in the Bíble. Make
the word of God relevant to Iife and
the daily situatíons a child faces.
the Bible says to do something,
explain the why and the bow of it,
and the blessings that come from
doing it.
Then show him the other síde of
the caín: the consequences that
come from disobedience. Let him
see in the wrecked Iives around hím
what disobedience produces. This
will belp him consíder more deeply
the end results of hís own actions.
As he lives by the revealed prin–
cipies of God, he wíll enjoy the
happiness and success in life that
will lift bím above bis peers.
Also, we have a monthly maga–
zine entitled
specially writ–
ten for teenagers. This magazine
makes the laws and principies of
God understandable and livable. It
helps youths salve problems God's
way. And it 's fre.e of charge.
Get Him " High"
Getting high on drugs ís a popular
pastíme among many teenagers
today. To sorne it 's an escape-it's
a way to feel good about yourself
when everything around you seems
bad and hopeless.
You want to get your chi ld
"high," to gíve hím a hígh that will
give him a true way of worth-a
prophecy reveals the final crisis of this age will
be sparked by a superpower's intervention in the
Middle East. Our free booklet makes plain
power will set off this crisis! For your
copy, mail the request envelope in this
issue or write to our address nearest you.
FREE Booklet Offer!
high that will really make him fe.el
good about himself and his
future-a high that will last?
We are talking about the high
tbat comes from accomplisbment.
Young people have drive and ener–
gy- they want to accomplish. But
that drive and energy must be
channeled in the right direction.
Encourage your child to thínk
about what be wants to be when he
grows up. He may change bis mind
severa! times while he is growing,
but the important thing is that he
has a
to aim toward.
Help him set and achieve inter–
mediate goals as well- things that
he can accomplísh now.
chíld is busy accomplishing, he will
be less likely to get ínto trouble.
Help him discover bis abilíties
aod talents by allowing him to try
different things he expresses an
interest in. Whether it's art, music,
study or sports, give him the oppor–
tunity. He will stick with the things
he does well in and, wíth a líttle bit
of encouragement and praíse from
you, he will excel. The more he
accomplishes, the higher he wiJI get
and the better he will feel. And the
better he feels, the better he will
live. And though we use for conve–
nience tbe masculine pronoun, we
mean to apply these principies
equally to every girl.
Yes, you can rear your children to
be outstandíng among young people.
If you begin utilízing the principies
outlíned in tbis article, your children
will be beacons to tbe rest of the
community. T hey will give the
neighborhood a foretaste of how
children and old people wíll líve
togetber in happíness and peace in
the streets of tomorrow's cítíes.
Look at tbís beautíful pícture of
chíldren and old people living and
playing together in tomorrow's
inner cities: "Thus says the Lord of
hosts: 'Old men and old women
shall again sit in the streets of Jeru–
salem, each one with bis staff in his
hand because of great age. The
streets of the cíty shall be full of
boys and gírls playing in its
streets'" (Zech. 8:4-5).
So start now rearing your chíl–
dren the right way-and remem–
ber, only you can rear straigbt chil–
dren in a crooked environment.
The final installment explains the
truth about day-care centers.