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robs somebody? If you use profani–
ty, why should you be sbocked
when you hear your child using
filthy language witb the children in
the neigbborhood? If you are .hav–
ing an illicit affair, how can you say
anything when your daughter
comes borne pregnant, or your son
has impregnated somebody else's
does\l't have to be that way
with you and your children. Maybe
your parents did not know any bet–
ter, but by virtue of this ar ticle you
now do! With God's help, you can
break the cycle- history does not
have to repeat itself. Your children
can be better than the generation
before them. But you can't j ust talk
that talk to your children-you
must walk the talk before them.
You must live a better way if your
children are to see a brighter day.
Commitment to Win
You need a total commitment, a
crusader fervency to win your
child's hea.rt and mind. You are in
a battle with the negative forces
around you for the control of your
child's mind, and victory's price is
unrelenting commitment.
What's more important than
your child's life? The time-con–
suming soap operas on television?
The time you spend with friends?
The extra time you spend doing
your own thing? No! Notbing is
more important-for a child's life
is a terrible thing to waste!
Children are our future and we
bave the responsibility to commit
our lives to make them and their
future better.
Perhaps you do not realize the
awesome importance God places on
your rearing
his children.
right, they are his! God has loaned
them to you to develop for h im.
King David wrote: "Behold, chil–
dren are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb is His
reward" (Ps. 127:3) .
What will God's heritage be in
your children? Will it be a ruined
life in prison, death at the end of a
uncles and
aunts can
provide support
in the rearing of
children of
single parents.
needle, or college and a productive
successfullife? Your child's life is in
your hands, and God holds you
accountable. Make a commitment–
give your all to win the battle for
your child's life.
Exposure Equals lnfluence
Who has the greatest influence over
your child? The answer lies in
whoever has the greatest amount of
exposure with your chi ld.
it's the
negative elements in the streets,
then your child will be influenced to
go the way of the streets. If it 's your
positive example in the borne, then
he will be influenced to go the way
of you and your borne.
You must sacrifice doing "your
thing" to do the things necessary to
positively influence your children.
Make exposure time with your child
or children a top priority. Let noth–
ing and no one rob you of these pre–
cious moments. Let your children be
exposed to you as a person. Let them
feel and see all that you are and all
that you stand for.
Our child ren learn best through
association with parents. Our values
are passed on to our children every
second we are exposed to them. This
is why God said: "You shall teach
them [God's values] to your chil–
dren, speaking of them when you sit
in your bouse, when you walk by the
way, when you lie down, and when
you rise up" (Deu
11: 19).
Sorne single parents by them–
selves may find it difficult to provide
enough positive parental exposure
for their cbildren.
this is your situ–
ation, turn to respectable members
of your extended family for help.
Grandfathers and grandmothers,
uncles and au.nts can provide support
in the rearing of your children. Sin–
gle mothers, especially, need the
firm hand and mascul ine influence
of a man in guiding teenagers.
The young evangelist Timothy
was probably reared by bis widowed
mother. Yet through the positive
exposure and influence of his
extended family, in bis case a grand-
mother, Timothy became a profit-
able young man (II Tim. 1:5).
whole family works together, chil–
dren can be reared successfully.
Guide your child in the selection
of bis or her friends. Do not just tell
your child whom to associate with.
Teach him how to select associates.
Help him analyze the behavior of
others and the end result of that
behavior. Help him understand that
"he who walks with wise men will be
wise, but the companion of fools will
be destroyed" (Prov. 13:20).
There is another "friend" more
subtle and more negative than sorne
of the other teenagers that hang out
in the streets.
you al low your