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tural values, or wrong experiences
derived from this devil-led world.
We recognize we couldn't see
God's ways either except for God's
merey to us. And we realize if we
had others' circumstances or expe–
riences, our att itudes and problems
could be similar or worse. Instead
we have hope for all who sin in
ignorance. We understand a ll
humanity wi ll eventually be cor–
rected in God's own time and plan.
Until then, we are instructed todo
good to all men, not evil.
But true love commands us to go
beyond this. We are to pray for
those who hate or abuse us. We
understand we can't argue anyone
into conversion. That cal ling can
only come from God (John
We pray that God will work with
an antagonist's mind accord ing to
his will and wisdom because we
can't always fully understand how
to do that ourselves in the most
effective or best way.
We also pray we won't set up
stumbling blocks about God 's way
by wrong act ions, attitudes o r
words on our part. These instruc–
tions in living are taught in Mat–
thew 5:43-48, Romans
12:17-2 1
and Galatians
6:1 O.
When we understand God's love,
we realize we also are imperfect.
We, too, have wrong ideas, feelings,
alti tudes and habits to overcome.
We don' t exalt ourselves as great
persons. We realize any true good
or ability in us has come from
But we know God's love is also
powerful toward us. Though we fall
short in many areas of life- yes,
even succumb to fear and depres–
sion on occasion- we have God and
his mighty spiri tual resources–
faith, hope
/ove- to
help us
Why don' t more experience that
mighty power and belp?
The answer is sin, the transgres–
sion of God's law
John 3:4) . Sin
cuts us off from understanding God
and utilizing his help. Sin against
God and fellowman hinders our
prayers from being heard, unless
and until we repent ( Isa. 59:
lncredible Relationship
Most humans have been blinded to
the incredible relationship totally
yielded persons have wi th God.
July/ August 1985
That awesome relationsbip is a
loving father-son or father- daugh–
ter relationship. " Wherefore come
out from a mong th em [s inful
ways] ... and 1 will receive you,
and will be a Father unto you and
ye shal l be my sons and daugh–
ters, saitb the Lord Almighty"
( II
Cor . 6:17-18; see a lso
3: 1).
God can be a person's literal,
spiritual father. This begettal and
sonship comes after God's calling,
our t rue repentance and baptism.
"No man can come to me, except
tbe Fatber ... draw him ... ," said
J esus (Jobo
These called and yielded persons
are then
a covenant relationship,
which is also a family relationship
Fear and depression
are caused
values, desires
and attitudes. They are
ways of thinking and
with God. They are potential mem–
bers of the God fami ly!
God's part of the covenant is to
be belper, provider, corrector and
deliverer. Tbat is what his name
means-the Almighty, the All–
Bountiful! The One who leads and
guides! T he One who delivers from
evi l!
" But my God shall supply all
according to bis ricbes in
glory by Christ J esus," amplified
the apostle Paul (Phil. 4:19). God
supplies true needs, not wrong
wa n ts or desires - things we
shouldn 't have or should wah for.
Tbe converted human's part is to
be obedient to all of God's ways,
living by fai th and strengthening
that faith by asking God for physi–
cal and spiri tual needs dai ly (Matt.
But we must have our priori t ies
straight. " But seek ye
kingdom of God, and his righteous–
ness; and all these things [food,
clothing, shelter, etc.] shall be
added unto you." " . . . for your
heavenly Father knoweth that ye
have need of all these things"
6:33, 32).
Millions don't receive answers to
thei r prayers because they don't
put their
needs FIRST!
They are only concerned with their
own selfish physical wants a nd
desires, not in preparing for God's
kingdom or serving others.
" Have no anxiety about any–
thing, but in everything by
let your requests be made
known to God. And the peace of
God , which passes all [na tural
human] understanding, will keep
your hearts and your minds in
Christ J esus," instructed the apos–
tle P au l ( Ph i
4 :6-7, R evised
Standard Version) .
Many fail to receive the help
they need because they are
for the blessings they
have. Others fai l to solve their
problems and needs because of lack
of a positive attitude and diligent
Jesus taught tbose who would
yield to God , "Ask, and it shall be
given you; seek, and ye shal l find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto
you" (Matt. 7:7).
When one applies the laws of
success- among them drive, re–
sourcefulness and perseverance–
he will succeed in what reall y
counts. These laws are explained in
our free booklet
The Seven Laws of
written by Herbert W.
God has immense spiritual
resources to help you solve your
problems and fears!
God will work through his Spirit
and his Word , the Bible, to encour–
age, correct and empower you to
live rightly and solve your prob–
lems-if you repent of breaking bis
law a nd totally yield t o him.
" ... this is the man to whom
look, he that is humble and contrite
in spirit, and trembles at my word"
( Isa.
God promises he will liberally
give wisdom and " upbraid not"–
(Continued on page 14)