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forced into an in-depth study and researcb into the
Bible and also into tbe theory of evolution, at tbat
time rapidly gaining universal acceptance in tbe field
of higher education.
My in-depth study into the works of Darwin,
Huxley, Haeckel, et alled meto question the authority
of the Bible and even the existence of God. I was
determined to find absolute proof of the existence of
God and of the authority of the Bible, or to reject both.
Most people, I realized, accept or reject a belief in
either on careless assumpt ion dueto whatever they
have heard, been taught, or assumed without proof. 1
wanted to understand. And 1 wanted to be sure on
positive proof, not on careless assumption or wishful
After many months of virtually night and day
study, the answers were revealed to me with proof
that was positive and absolute.
1 found the Bible to be a coded book, with answers
to the paramount mysteries confronting all bumanity.
The revelation of these mysteries was lost, even to the
Church of God, although the revelation of them has
been preserved in the writings of the Bible. Why,
then, has the world not clearly understood? Because
the Bible was a coded book, not intended to be
understood until our day in this latter half of the 20th
century. 1 learned, in this night and day study, why it
is the most misunderstood book, even though it
world's best-seller.
Vistas of knowledge and understanding were
opened to my astonished eyes and mind that have
remained the chief mysteries of life to most people.
But it is recorded in that book that in these very days
in which our generation lives, the great mystery would
be cleared. And indeed it was to my astonisbed mind.
1 learned that tbe Bible is like a jigsaw
puzzle- thousands of pieces that need putting
together- and the pieces will fit together in only one
way. Then the picture becomes crystal clear to the one
willing to believe what God our Creator says.
This present book merely puts the many pieces of
the great puzzle together so they can be clearly
As you read and reread this book, compare
constantly with your own Btble. See these truths with
your own eyes in your own Bi ble. And open your mind
to God 's leading you into his
as you do.
make a lot of sense as nothing ever did befare.
T ime may prove this to be the most important book
written in almost 1,900 years.
Not because of literary excellence or tlowery
language of scholarship that it has purposely avoided,
but because of its plainness of speech in clarifying the
most important knowledge ever revealed from the
supreme source of understanding of that which has
mystified all humans since man fi rst appeared on earth.
This world's humani ty has been blinded to who,
what and why man is- how man appeared on earth.
Man has been mystified by his inabili ty to salve bis
problems, or find answers to the perplexing questions
of mankind and tbe world he inhabits.
All these mysteries were long ago revealed by the
one supreme autbority of all knowledge, but in a
coded message not al lowed to be revealed and uncoded
unt il our time.
The Church was infi ltrated during the first century
with another gospel; many false teachings and false
churches under the name of "traditional Christianity"
arose. As God reveals in Revelation 12:9, the whole
world has been deceived . These basic truths have been
kept a mystery. Even si ncere and well-meaning men
among the clergy have received their teaching from
other men as handed down traditionally in tbese
churches. They have assumed these false teachings to
be the true teacbings of the Bible, instead of putting
the various scriptures, li ke pieces of a jigsaw puzzle,
together in clarity and in truth. Even the world of a
professed traditionaJ Christianity has been deceived.
is hoped that this book, written since God's time
for it has come, will open many eyes to the truth of
these long hidden mysteries.
ever ask
"Who am 1? What am
1? Why am I ?"
Tbe world about you is a mystery. You
yourself are a mystery. You have never seen your
brain, the seat of your intellect and all that you are.
Your life is engulfed in mysteries. When you
retlect, your very existence is a mystery. Did you
simply happen by unintelligent resident earthly forces
without meaning or purpose, or were you intelligently
designed and created by an all-powerful God of
supreme mind for a purpose that also has been hidden
in mystery? In fact, the persistent tradition
throughout human history about the Creator God has
been such a mystery that h igher education in the
Western World has sought to erase the mystery by
giving vi rtually unanimous acceptance to the theory of
evolution. The evolutionary theory has been invented
by human minds in an effort to explain the presence
of a creation without the existence of adivine Creator.
And if the all-powerful God was your Maker, and
exists as the divine Creator of all that is, then the
mystery about God emerges, in order of time
sequence, as tbe first and paramount mystery of all.
Who and what is God? That is a mystery not
understood by any religion, not explained by science,
untaught by higher educat ion. God reveals bimsel f in
his Word, the Holy Bible, yet almost none has
understood it. The Bible, as the writer Bruce Barton
said, is " the book that nobody knows." The Bible itself
is the basic mystery that reveals all other mysteries.
If the truth about God is mystery number one
revealed in the Bible, assuredly the truth about angels
and evi l spirits is second in order. l s there, after all , a
devil? Did God create a devil? l f there are holy angels,
what is thei r purpose and funct ion? The Bible clearly
states that this world is actually ruled by unseen
principalities of evil spirits. Do evil spirits affect and
intluence humans and even governments today? Do evi l
spi rits affe.ct even your own life? This ques tion seems
enveloped in total mystery.
(Continued on page 41 )