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No Political
World Tomorrow
dilferent government will
be in the world t morrow!
No more nat ional networks with their stars and
superstar newscasters covering major conventions.
No more wi ll there be what is typical of American
election campaigns.
No more convent ion halls decorated in bright colors,
or delegates wearing loud-colored casual or spor ts
attire, many with outlandish oversized hats. No more
whoop-and-holler demonstrations, or thousands with
balloons, like litt le children at play. No more political
signs and placards.
And no more of the usuaJ poli t ics being played
secretly in smoke-filled hotel suites away from
convention halls- the jockeying for selfish advantage,
political gain and covet ing of power.
1 am reminded of the answer g iven by Franz Josef
Strauss, often called "the st rong man of Europe." He
had spent the day visiting the Ambassador College
campus and was an evening dinner guest in my borne.
1t was a day or two after Richard M. N ixon had
taken the oath of office after his first inauguration,
January 1969.
"What," asked a guest of Dr. Strauss, " do you think
was going on in Mr. Nixon's mind as he was taking the
oatb of office?"
" How to be reelected four years from now, of
course," answered Herr Strauss without a second's
hesitat ion.
Each election year millions are spent on pol itical
campaigns and conventions to nominate candidates for
the people to vote on. The conventions are big noisy
shows. There is laughter, "having a time," shouting,
confusion, anger , jubilation, pathos, emotion and even
tears. l n all this campaigning to "GET" the office of
POWER, one vocal observer said, "Thank God, only
ONE candidate can win."
That is one way GOVER MENT is carried on in this
world. But how did this world come to be as it is?
Almost 6,000 years ago, the former superarchangel
Lucifer, having rebelled against the government of
God on earth, and now called Satan, was s linking
around as a serpent. God had just created the first
HUMAN- in God's own image- with a potential of
inheri ting the THRO E OF THE EARTH.
From this man, Adam, God made a woman, Eve, to
be his wife. Eve was aiJ for "women's rights." She
took the lead. The man, created to be the head of the
wife, succumbed to her leadersbip. Sbe led him into
Satan's way. Adam joined her in rebelling against tbe
GOVERNMENT OF Goo-rejecting Godas Revealer of
basic knowledge and as Giver of eterna! LJFE!
When the first man and woman REJECTED Goo and
and the gift of bis Holy Spirit, God made their
decision binding on all their progeny for 6,000
years-until Cbrist, the "second Adam," should
come, havi ng qualified by overcoming Satan and
This shall bappen now, very shortly. For we are near
the END of that 6,000 years of the DAYOF MAN under
SATAN, and the DAY OF THE LORD is almost upon us!
So AJ..J.. HUMAN ITY-except thc minutest FEW God
has specially called to his servicc in preparation for
that future world government- has been CUT OFF
from God and his government. Man has been left to
form bis own ideas of how he should be ruled.
Down through history, sorne peoples bave
submitted to the tyranny of DICTATORSHJPS and
autocratic MONARCHIES. Sorne have swung to the
center and called it democracy. Otbers to the left,
calling it communism.
The living Jesus Christ is soon now going to return,
as KI NG of ki ngs, to RULE ALL NATIONS with the
Tbere will be no election campaigns. No
multimillion dollar
(Continued on page 43)