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highly organized, monumental system of educa–
tion that has become DECADENT!
This gigantic system is ready to topple!
soon fall, a long with the civilization
spawned! But a better day is soon coming! The
happy WORLD TOMORROW is SOOn to dawn!
be a world Of PEACE, of PLENTY, of HAPPINESS.
have travelled through a portion of
China (Hong Kong), and parts of India. Millions
there a re starving. In the poorer districts- which
are the many- the filth , squalor, wretchedness is
simply indescribable. The same degenerate condi–
tion of degradation and suffering fills many parts
of Centra l and South America, and of Egypt and
other parts of Africa. Two thirds of the people on
earth live in such destitution. 1 thought of the
joyous WORLD TOMORROW that is coming, and
immediately the question carne to mind, HOW can
a bunda nt well-being be brought to these teeming
impoverished millions?
And the a nswer was obvious. Correct the
CAUSE- lack of right education.
On the other hand, 1 have known many of the
world's leading men- industrialists, ba nkers,
scientists, educators. And most of them- the
highly educated- were not ha ppy. Sorne commit–
ted suicide. Their minds were of high calibre, their
IQ's were high. They had learned much in
knowledge- they had learned how to earn a
living- but they had
learned the true values,
nor how to live.
will require a
availa ble to a ll, to correct a ll the world's ills.
Very soon, today's decadent education will be
replaced by the educational system of the WoRLD
ToMORROW. This al ready has been introduced in
Ambassador College. And like the proverbial
grain of mustard seed, it is a lready beginning to
spread around the world.
Ambassador College knows and teaches the
PURPOSE and true meaning of life-the TRUE
v ALUES that pay off- a nd THE
AY to peace,
happiness, and a bundant well-being. How do we
know? We don't guess, or theorize or express
unfounded opinions- we have it on AUTHORITY!
The Bible is that Authority, and it is PROVEO to be
the revelation of the Almighty living Goo to
humankind. The Bible is the world's bigges t seller,
but also the Book a lmost nobody knows. Few even
what it is .
When you purchase a gadget or mechanism,
you receive an instruction book which the maker
sends a long with his product. The most compli–
cated mechanism ever produced is the human
mind a nd body. The Bible is our Maker's ins truc–
tion Book which He sent along with His product.
is the authorita tive
of the
necessary basic knowledge
otherwise inaccessible
to the mind of man-even the great minds! lt is
the FOUNDATI ON of all knowledge, and the
to acquirable knowledge.
Here is what modern educa tion doesn' t
and fai ls to teach:
June / July 1980
MAN? WHY is man? What are the
THE WAY to the
objectives- peace, happiness, abundant
Knowledge lgnored
This BASICKNOWLEDGE cannot be acquired by all the
mental, inventive, mechanical, exploratory, observa–
tional or phi losophical powers of man. This kind of
necessary knowledge is received only by
has a lways been accessible. Yet science and modern
education grope hopelessly in the dark, searching,
researching, speculat ing and philosophizing in vain
for the acquisition of knowledge that can come only
through the very source it rejects! Astonishing? Yes.
Intelligent? Well , hardly!
In the WORLD TOMORROW we shall have world
PEACE. There shall be universal
prosp~rity .
will be knowledge of the TRUE values, a nd people
will cease chasing the false a nd suffering the
pa inful consequences . People will learn THE
to real happiness a nd fi nd it. Life will be contin–
uously interesting, comfortable, invigorating.
How will this be brought about? By a universal
education that wi ll banish ignorance, and teach
these basics utterly omitted from today's educa–
tion . But
am not na'ive enough to suppose that
this will blossom forth automatically by the immi–
nent general acceptance of these t ruths on the par t
of all who are involved in the exist ing educational
system. The leaders of this world are no more
willing to accept truth, confess and change from
error, than they have been in the past. The
SOLUTION will never come through the ha nds of
man. What has been conclusively demonstrated by
educationa l experience is the u tter unwillingness
of human leaders to confess truth and the utter
ina bility of MAN to educate a nd rule over man.
The awesome Creator God is now going to inter–
vene in human affairs! He is going to send the
living J esus C hrist to earth again- this time in the
supreme power a nd glory of God! He is going to
reveal Himse/f
in awesome glory to a world that
has denied and rejected Him! He is going to set up
world government by
rule. By supernatura l
power He will abolish the present decadent educa–
t iona l system- a nd replace it with the true system
of the WORLD TOMORROW! The change wiJI be
made by the enforcement of divine GOVERNMENT
of the living Christ, against whose Law and
Authority they rebel today.
This basic FOUNDATION of a ll knowledge and
right education has always been accessible. But
the great and near-great- the best minds–
swayed by vanity, greed, and carnality, have
spurned , rejected , and fool ishly ridiculed it.
Ambassador College is pioneering in the educa–
tional system of the WORLD TOMORROW. And a
foretaste of that peace, happiness, and abundant
well-being is literally radiated by Ambassador
Yes, a ll of
this- and more!
Ambassador stu-