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" Big Eyes to See"
l'm only ten, so you might
think l'm small, but 1 have
big eyes to see things. T hat is
why 1 think your magazine
has good points on the Bible.
The first time 1 picked up
your magazine was in March
of 1983. l've been a subscriber
ever sincc. As 1 come to thc
end of thi s lettcr, 1 would
appreciate it if you would send
me your book
Unpardonab/e Sin.
Steven Mendonca
Mississauga, Ontario
1 am 14 years old and find
your program fascinating. It's
encouraging to see that you
are more interestcd in
sprcading God 's Word than
collecting money. 1 would
appreciate copies of
United States and Britain in
The Book of
Reve/ation Unveiled at Last.
Thesc books must be as
interesting as your program. 1
look forward to receiving
Nathan Narusis
Red Deer, Alberta
For a great many years 1
have received
The Plain Truth
and enjoyed (and valued) the
contents. 1 have my copies
bound for future reference. 1
have to admit that my only
connection with the
Worldwide Church of God is
through the magazine. A
quad ripl egic condition of more
than twenty years has kept me
housebound. For this reason 1
depend on literature for
inspiration and enj oyment
- The Plain Truth
William W. Moffat
WiUowdale, Onta rio
When Tragedy Strikes
Thank you for past issues of
your magazine. My husband
died suddenly in the night
very recently, and 1 miss him
so. 1 have found real help just
The Plain Truth.
you kindly continue to send
future issues to me? Very
many tbanks.
Mrs. B.A.S. Kelly
Worcester, England
Latchkey Child
" Hope for the Latchkcy
Child" was a real eye-opener.
As a 16-year-old 1 found it
very interesting.
Ka ren Davenport
Oldbam, Lancasbire
Just a short note lo Jet you
know how much l appreciate
your magazine. 1 am an
18-year-old student in leacher
training, and 1 have learned
much from your informative,
uobiased articles, particularly
"Wben Peace Comes to
l reland." Scldom are such
articl es, which present both
sides of the coin in relation to
the present lrish situation,
" Hope for lhe Latchkey
Child" also made me sit down
and think. So often these
problems are overlooked.
People look but they do not
see. Hopefully this article will
bring this evcr-increasing
problem to light. After all ,
what is more importan! than
providing a better and a more
lovely environment for the
future adults of tomorrow.
Miss D. Quino
Wicklow, Ireland
Library Reader
Having just read a copy of
Plain Truth
at my Publ ic
havc decided, at last,
to write to you requesting
sorne literature. 1 say al last
because 1 have, of course, seen
your magazine around since
the l960s, when your radio
prograrnrnes were heard from
the commercial stations of that
time. Anyway, 1 would like to
receive your magazine
and other publications
of yours. Also I am interested
in gaining a deeper
understanding of your beliefs
as a whole. Picase send me
publications or lists of
publications that you do.
J .A. Appleton
Manches ter
Showplaces of Asia
Bei ng a Malaysian living in
Bri tain
was interested in
reading the article in the
Nov.fDec, 1984, issue of
P/ain Truth
t itlcd " Two
Sbowplaces of Asia," written
by Messrs. G. Marsball and J.
That fine article, however,
has a mistake on page 17. One
of the pictures was described
as 'Malaysia's lslamic
architecture, Kek Lok Si
Mosque, Penang.' That tall
building is in fact a pagoda of
Buddhist/Chinese architect ure
and il is thc Kek Lok Si
Temple, not an lslamic
l am sure the mistake was
not of the au tbors as Mr.
Halford has been to Malays ia
severa! limes.
S.T . Saw
Surbiton, Surrey
Truth Too Strong?
1 have just received a copy
The Plain Truth
for which
1 tbank you. Since asking you
to forward this, and being put
on your mailing list, 1 have
read your booklet
Just What
Do You Mean- Born Again?
1 am a born-again Christian
and tbis is a lolally ditfcrenl
gospel from what 1 know. 1
am in the Charismatic
Renewal Movement and a
member of the Scottish
Episcopal Church.
1 am sorry 1 have bothcred
you with asking to be put on
your mailing list, and 1 now
request that my oame be
withdrawn as
am not in
agreement wilh the trulh you
J. Cla rk
1 would like to take this
occasion lo say how much 1
enjoy your magazine. At a
time when there is so much
rubbish printed, it is good to
know there are people who
care aboul lhe real issues.
Although 1 don't agree
entirely with everything you
say, 1 look forward to your
magazi ne every month as it
gives me food for thought. 1
am glad you have lhe guts to
speak out when others do not.
G.A. McDaid
This is your advice to cancel
the subscr iption to the
magazine currcntly
being mailed to my address.
is totally contrary to my
beliefs, particularly the article
by Roderick
entitled "Wives, You Can
Enrich Your Marri age."
is inconceivable that such
an outdated attitude sti ll
prevails in 1984.
P. Kassner
Seattle, Washington
As you request!
The Way to Success
After reading your booklet
The Seven Laws of Success,
felt somelhing inside accepting
it for its logical way of being
written as well as its lruth.
For this reason 1 would like to
tbank you deeply for being
helpful lo show tbe way to
success with God 's !ove and
help. 1 had never had a goal
before or even thought what 1
would be doing
ten years or
more, until 1 read your
booklet. From that time 1
reali sed my situation and
asked myself a lot of
questions. "Have l a
goal?" ... Thanks to you 1
now know my goal and how to
rnake it a success, as well as
how it will be guided by God.
1 do thank you deepl y, hoping
to get more belp from you.
Mr. Z. Abdeslam
Agadir, Morocco