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(Continued from page 4)
her 22-week-old fetus aborted. The
want the baby. We
are told that her 22-week aborted
baby isn't a viable human being!
How can it be human in one room
and a nonviable human in anoth–
The difference is the woman' s–
and the doctor's-attitude.
Proabortionists want to believe
that the growing baby within the
woman is nothing but "fetal tis–
ly has
everything a newborn baby
What happens when an attempt
is made to end this life?
To kili the unborn 10-week
embryo may require the D&E (di–
lation and evacuation) technique.
The abortionist basically draws and
quarters the embryo.
When the abortionist's instru–
ment first touches the uterine wall ,
the embryo immediately recoils
and the heart rate increases. The
unborn responds by attempting to
escape the instrument.
through waking and sleeping
Studies divulge fetuses respond
to hearing their mother's voice.
seems that the womb is not the
quiet place sorne thought it was.
A Selflsh Society
Couples should plan a family in an
intelligent manner, as to the timing
of the first baby and the spacing of
other children. Each couple will
have to evaluate and choose which
method of contraception suits them
best. ( lf you want to know more,
write for our free book
Missing Dimension in
sue." They either avoid or
conceal the fact tbat the
baby is actually a human
and dies a painful death
when aborted.
Dr. Bernard N. Nathan–
son was once one of the most
militant supporters of abor–
tion. He has now changed
his mind. Why? New facts
carne to his attention. Dr.
Nathanson says, "It is atro–
cious for anyone now to
maintain that a fetus is sim–
ply a lump of meat, or some–
thing insignificant, or an
unprotected life."
As 91 percent of abortions within the United States,
for example, occur within the first 12 weeks of preg–
nancy, let's look at fetal development of the unborn:
18 days
The beating heart already pumps blood
lhrough its own bloodstream.
To kili the defenseless
unborn as a method of birth
control shows the selfishness
of our society. Society, of
course, teaches us to live for
Flve weeks
The nose and cheeks appear , and
fingers are faintly visible.
Sorne people believe moth–
erhood inhibits one's career
potential. Children are seen
as dependents, not assets.
They weigh us down, prevent
us from owning homes, buy–
ing the material goods we
think we need, prevent us
from traveling to exotic
places. We can never achieve
the "good life" with children
around. People don't want to
give up their time, money or
standard of living to have
Slx weeks
The nervous systembegins to function .
Beginnings of the skeleton; the kidneys, stomach and
liver begin working.
Yet even when faced with
the new scientific evidence,
proabortionists believe the
right of the mother to kili
her unborn is more impor–
tant than the right of the
unborn to live.
Seven weeks
The unborn child has its own brain
waves. (Brain waves are among the legal criteria that
determine whether a person is alive or not.) The tiny
baby has all its outer and inner organs. lt has a tace
with eyes, nose, lips and tongue.
Nlne and 10 weeka
The thyroid and adrenal
glands function . The baby can squint , swallow, and
respond to noise.
10 weeks
The unborn basically has everything
found 1n newborns.
Further, since 91 percent
of abo rtions within the
nited S tates, for examp1e,
occur within the first 12
weeks of pregnancy, let's
12 weeks
The completely formed fingerprints will
not change except for size. The little boyor girl now is
more than 3 inches long and weighs about an ounce.
For this tiny baby all that remains is growth.
Today people want to
avoid the responsibilities of
parenthood by simply killing
their own unborn. Abortion
look at a 10-week-old unborn and
see what science has discovered.
Within 18 days after conception
the beating heart already pumps
blood through its own blood–
By six weeks the nervous system
begins to function. The kidneys and
stomach begin working.
At around seven weeks, the
unborn embryo has its own brain
waves. (Brain waves are among the
legal criteria that determine wheth–
er a person is alive or not.)
At nine and 1Oweeks the thyroid
and adrenal glands function. The
embryo can squint, swallow and
respond to noise.
By 1O weeks the unborn basical-
The abortionist grabs an arm or
leg and rips it from the body. Blood
begins oozing from the baby. Then
the abor tionist finds another arm or
leg and tears it off. He continues
until everything is severed.
Finally the dead, dismembered
embryo has its skull crushed. The
parts are then sucked out. It's all
over in about 15 minutes .
To say this embryo perceives no
pain is, at the
not telling the
en ti r e story. Today's society
doesn't tolerate convicted mur–
derers to die this kind of death!
Latest prenatal research reveals
the unborn responds to pain, touch,
cold, sound and light. The unborn
gets hiccups, sucks a thumb, passes
is the easy way out. Italian
lawyer Raffaello Balestrini saw this
nearly 100 years ago. He wrote:
" When ever abortion becomes a
social custom, it is the externa!
manifestation of a people's deca–
dence." Yes, what a sad, decadent
age we live in!
I n these c losing years of the 20th
century we exchange children for
material goods.
Higher Law
Many today assert people have per–
sonal choice in the matter of abor–
tion. No one, they claim, should
impose his or her moral views upon
But there is a higher law, above
civil law, which forbids abortions