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have so many needed a per–
sonal way to deal with a
world plunging headlong into
worsening d ifficulties.
Why is it that critical under–
standing about the human mind
and human nature is missing in
education at all levels of life?
Why do so many medica! and
mental health care personnel not
understand the real causes of
today's problems?
Where is the true knowledge
that would
problems before
they arise-rather than today's
false knowledge that attempts a
the problem arises?
Mlsslng Know ledge
"My people are destroyed for lack
of knowledge; because you have
rejected knowledge ... ," reveals
the Creator in the Holy Bible,
Hosea 4:6, Revised Standard Ver–
sion (and so throughout, except
where noted). Where is that knowl–
edge today?
Jesus promised, "You will know
the truth, and the truth will make
you free" (J ohn 8:32). Where is
that truth today?
Jesus plainly meant truth would
set you free-free from unresolved
fears and worries, free from mental
depression, free from sin.
The knowledge that is missing in
so many lives is revealed
knowledge. Man, by nature, knows
only physical knowledge, revealed
by the five senses. And from that
limited knowledge man speculates.
But most of man's mental and emo–
tional problems are spiritual in
nature. Man is violating immutable
spiritual laws, as well as physical
laws, set in motion by the Creator.
The consequences are grievous
mental and physical suffering.
Many modero minds think it
educated to reject biblical revela–
tion and the real ity of immutable
spiritual laws. They do not recog–
nize why they think this way. As a
result, they cannot fi nd the solution
to many of mankind's mental ill-
nesses. They are not dealing with
root causes!
There are laws of sound mental
health! There are laws of success!
They produce hope, peace of mind,
joy and happiness. But untold mil–
lions daily violate the laws that pro–
duce these results. They conse-
quently set themselves up for fear
and depression.
T he Bible reveals how to receive
the help and power you need to
overcome your human nature, your
worries and fears in life.
how to deal with every adverse situ–
ation with faith and hope.
But first, you need to compre–
hend why humanity has jumped the
track. Why has mankind fai led to
lear n such critical knowledge?
Why do most of us respond with
damaging negative fears-even
hopelessness-to many of our prob–
lems and setbacks in life? The
Bible explains it!
Cut Off from the Source
God created the heavens and the
earth that we can see with our eyes
Why do so many
medical and mental
health care
personnel not understand
the real
causes of today's
mental and
emotional problems?
(Gen. 1: 1). But before this physical
creation, the great God had created
powerfu l spirit beings, angels, dif–
fering in rank.
These spirit beings at the first
obeyed the laws and government of
God. But during a period before
the creation of man, a new way of
doing things- the "get" and com–
petitive way- was introduced to
many of the angels by a great arch–
angel whose name meant Ligh t–
bringer. We know him by the Latín
He was one of God's
most powerful and beautiful spirit
beings. He was set by God to
administer God's laws and ways
over the earth.
Lucifer's name- Lightbringer–
meant he was to be the bringer of
God's truth and laws to the earth.
But he chose to exalt himself. He
wanted to kick God off his throne.
Through subtle slander he swayed
many angels to believe that God's
laws were unfair, that God's way of
"give" was foolish , that his-Luci-
fer's- "get" and competitive way
was more liberating, a better way of
One third of the angels chose to
rebel against God and bis ways
(Rev. 12:4). Their minds were per–
verted by wrong ways of think–
ing- by attitudes of strife, resent–
ment of authority and selfishness.
They rebelled against God's laws.
As a result they lost understanding
and power to do true good. Their
assault on God's throne was over–
whelmed by God's superior power
and they were ftung back to earth.
The leader of this rebellion,
Lucifer, became the devil, or Satan,
meaning " Adversary." His fallen
angels became demons. You can
read of this rebellion in Isaiah
14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28 :12- 19.
Jesus referred to Satan 's fall in
Luke 10:18.
Ever since man was created, it has
been the major objective of tbese
fallen spirit beings to keep humans,
created in the image of God, from
understanding the awesome purpose
of their human existence and from
fulfilling their incredible human
potential (11 Cor. 4:4). You may not
want to believe it, but Scripture
reveals there is a devil who has
deceived the whole world (Rev.
12:9). Part of that deception involves
causing even educated people not to
believe that there are spirit beings
who rebelled. And to reject God's
spiritual laws that would bring us
peace and harmony.
Of course, Satan hasn't thwarted
God's plan or ultimate purpose for
mankind. Here is why.
When God created the fi rst man
and woman , he revealed to them his
purposes and immutable laws. He
gave them the opportunity to .quali–
fy to replace Satan as ruler over the
earth. He taught them that viola–
tion of his laws and commands
would end up in death-the cessa–
tion of life (Gen. 2:17).
But they chose to believe the
deceptive líes introduced by a
clever Satan . They chose to disbe–
lieve God, and that they could not
die. They carne to believe they had
"immortal souls." They thought
they could become like God and be
able to determine good and evil for
themselves by taking something
(forbidden fruit) that was not
theirs (Gen. 3).