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knows that thankless man would
nearly always take the wrong
turn- th a t mank ind would be
influenced by and partake of the
rebellious nature of Satan the devil.
And God fully understands how
humans always tend to compromise
and to forsake the right way.
Human Nature and Divine
lntervent lon
Right after giving ancient Israel
the details of his law through
Mases, God told Mases: " Behold,
thou shalt sleep witb thy fathers;
and this people will rise up, and go
a whoring after the gods of the
strangers of the land, whither they
go to be among them, and will for–
sake me, and break my covenant
which 1 have made with them.
Then my anger shall be kindled
against them in that day, and 1 will
forsake them, and I will hide my
face from them, and they shall be
devoured ..." (Deut. 31: 16-17).
Obviously, God knew the hearts
and attitudes of the ancient l sraelites
and perceived
in advance
what they
would do. For God says in his Word:
"The Lord knowetb the thoughts of
man, that they are vanity" (Ps.
94:11 ). Again: " 1 know that thou
canst do every thing, and that no
thought can be withholden from
thee" (Job 42:2). And God percep-
tively warned Israel that when
blessings and prosperity carne upon
them, they were in grave danger of
following the heathen ways of the
nations around them (Deu
6: l 0-
As you read through the history,
laws, promises and prophecies of
the Old Testament, it becomes
absolutely clear that the Creator
the tendencies and foi–
bles of human nature to the "nth"
degree. Having this profound
knowledge and insight, God can
authoritatively state what the basic
conditions of peoples and nations
in the future. Then, by
intervening in the weather, in
human leadership or other circum–
stances, God can bring about
cific prophecies
that are sometimes
astonishing in their minute detail.
Angels and Demons
At times, the Creator works
through spirit beings he created-
Surrounded by
Hitler's forces .. .
British troops
escaped over the
normally rough
and treacherous
English Channel on
seas as calm as
righteous angels, and even the fall–
en angels- to bring about his will.
A fascinating insight into the
working of the spirit world is given
in 1 Kings 22. This inspired account
in the Bible pictures a conference in
heaven. God had already determined
to slay one of the most wicked kings
in the history of Israel, King Ahab.
The problem was
to get him to
go up to the coming battle at
Ramoth-gilead, where he would be
killed. In this case, an evil spirit
spoke up and said: " I will go forth,
and 1 will be a lying spirit in the
mouth of all his [Ahab's] prophets"
(1 Kings 22:22).
On the day of the battle, the
army God already knew was
stronger and would win did indeed
defeat the lsraelites, and Ahab was
slain by an arrow piercing the joints
of his armor (verses 34-37). This
was because God had determined
that wicked Ahab should not stay
behind and escape, but should per–
ish right along with many
of his defeated troops.
When Adolf Hitler
rose to power, a noted
German pastor, Martín
Niemoller, perceptively
stated: "Verily a time of
sifting has come upon us.
God is giving Satan a free
hand, so that He may
shake us up and so that it
may be seen wbat manner
of men we are."
In his book
The Nazis,
the respected British au–
thor George Bruce asks:
"Can the mystery of
the evil of Nazism be
explained? Was there a
Satanic nucleus at the
heart of it? One interpre–
tation of its nature that
should be mentioned is
the link between Nazism
and the alleged attach–
ment to black magic and
occultism of Hitler and
his inner circle, including Goering,
Himmler, Goebbels, Ley and, in
the early days, Dietrick Eckart and
Professor Karl Haushofer.
" Hitler, according to what may
seem to many people a far-fetched
belief, was tbe medium through
whom contact was made with
supernatural powers of evil. Her-
(Continued on page 38)