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Drought, Famine, Wár
the earth as vanity" (lsa.
40:15 , 22-23). Here God
says that
can deter–
mine the rise and fall of
princes and rulers.
Lost Control?
Can we believe that?
The book of Daniel
describes how Nebuchad–
nezzar was to become
insane and driven out of
office "to the intent that
the living may know that
the most High ruleth in
the kingdom of men, and
giveth it to whomsoever
he will, and setteth up
over it the basest of men"
(Dan. 4:17). God not only
rules over the nations of
Roderick C. Meredith
famine, dis–
ease epidemics, earth–
quakes and other
" natural " di sasters
unprecedented in his–
tory are headed our way!
P lus a potential nuclear
World War 111.
The most awful national catas–
trophe in earth's history is shaping
just ahead
for the English–
speaking world. Why? Has God
lost control of earth's affairs? Can't
he prevent what is about to happen,
not only to the English-speaking
world but to all peoples?
Consider these facts!
We- the E ng li s h -speaking
world- have been
greatness and power. But we have
not honored the God who gave it
and are
him in the
increasing decadence of our nation–
al and personal lives.
Why impending catast rophe?
Because the Creator God is going
the English-speaking
world- to teach lessons we seem
unwilling to learn in any other
way-unless, that is, we repent of
our national sins.
is not that God has lost con–
trol , but that he is in control!
are these terrifying
events going to come about in a
modern, civilized, highly techno-
logical society? Aren 't moder n
food production, storage and distri–
bution systems, major flood-control
dams and modern medicine,
science and industry foolproof
against catastrophe?
Have we already forgotten the
Union Carbide tragedy in Ind ia?
How Bible Prophecies Happenl
The biggest stumbling block to any–
one, be he a scientist, physician,
businessman, or even a modern theo–
logian who does not take the Bible
literally, in understanding revealed
Bible prophecies is the fai lure to
grasp the absolute reality and the
of the Creator God!
Just how has God's power through–
out history worked, and how will
that power work in bringing about
national punishments till we learn
the way to happiness and peace?
The God revealed in your Bible
power and
trol of nations and individuals. He
says: " Behold, the nations are as a
drop of a bucket, and are counted
as the small dust of the balance:
behold, he taketh up the isles as a
very little thing....
is be that
sitteth upon the circle of the earth,
and the inhabi tants thereof are as
grasshoppers; that stretcheth out
the heavens as a curtain, and
spreadeth them out as a tent to
dwell in: that bringeth the princes
to nothing; he maketh the judges of
men, but often sets up the
"basest" of men.
In the Old Testament,
the great prophet Moses
described how God or–
chestrates and guides the
migrations and geographical loca–
tions of nations and peoples: "When
the Most High divided to the nations
their inheritance, wben he separated
the sons of Adam, he set the bounds
of the people according to the num–
ber of the children of Israel" (Deut.
In plain language, the Creator of
mankind intervenes in his creation
and orchestrates the ebb and ftow of
national power, determining-when
necessary-wbo will be in cbarge
over nations to fulfill bis purpose. He
guides major nations to the areas of
the earth where he wants them and
blesses or curses them in weather,
war and prosperity according to how
they yield to bis will.
God Controla the Weather
Jesus Christ said God "sendeth rain
on the just and on the unjust"
(Matt. 5:45). But occasionally God
withholds rain to teach nationalles–
In the New Testament, James
describes how Elijah "prayed ear–
nestly that it might not rain: and it
rained not on the earth by the space
of three years and six. months. And
he prayed again, and the heaven
gave rain, and tbe earth brought
forth her fruit" (Jas. 5:17-18).
So God has power to send the
rain, or to cut off the rain.
The same applies to the wind and
other elements of the weather: