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ving to go! Your health allows you
to do wonderful things that other
people might not succeed at so eas–
ily: break athletic records, stay on
your feet through a fast dance med–
ley, study and keep a part-time job
at the same time, or just enjoy life
without the worries and handicaps
of illness.
Your Dreams
Ever see a middle-aged man or
woman talk about a dream, like sail–
ing around the world or writing a
novel or visiting the Himalayas?
You might have noticed a wistful
look in the eyes, and an " if only"
attitude. But when a teenager talks
about the same kind of dream, he or
she's not wistful- he or she's mak–
ing plans!
What's the difference? Middle–
aged people, more often than not,
have obligations. They have spouses
and chi ldren and jobs they cannot
ignore. With determination and hard
work, a dream trip is possible for one
person, but taking a whole family
can require an exceptional amount of
long-range planning and budgeting.
Also, since it is likely that nobody
depends on you for support , what
better time to plan and prepare for
what you want to do with your life?
An older person might have to take
any job he can get just to pul bread
on the table, but you' re probably still
living with your parents.
Now is your chance to get the ed–
ucation you
need for the kind of
job you
' 11
you want to know
how much of a privilege that is, ask
someone who had to leave school ear–
ly to get married and support a fami–
Of course, preparing can be dif–
ficult if you have no idea what you
want that future occupation to be.
Funny, isn't it, how everybody
wants you to choose your life's
vocat ion when you have not had a
chance todo much of anything but
sit in a classroom and study?
Take advantage of all opportuni–
ties, be they school courses, higher
education or on-the-job training,
offered to you now. How? First,
think about what you already do
well and explore the occupations
that fit your abi lities.
For instance, if people like you
and trust you, you might look into
the field of sales. If you like your
part-time job at the library, ask the
librarían about her career in library
Second, corner relatives and adult
friends and get them to talk about
their jobs-ask them what kinds of
aptitudes and training they needed
and if and why they like the work
they're in. Don't overlook your own
parents. Remember there's no law
against followi ng in Father's foot–
steps, if that is what you want to do,
and he might be able to give you the
extra help (like a summer job with
his company oras an apprentice) to
start you on your way.
Third, try to get all the hands-on
work experience you can right now.
Even if you don't intend to spend
your life frying fish or volunteering
your services for the handicapped,
you might learn useful things about
yourself: you perhaps don't like to
work too closely with a boss, you
learn difficult manual skills quick–
ly, you like (or don't like) dealing
with the public.
direction you choose now,
even if it isn't one you plan to follow
indefinitely, will get you started
toward your goal in the world of
work. Who knows whether you
might meet a futu re employer while
selling popcorn in a movie theater or
caddying on the golf course? The
world really
be your oyster–
provided you hunt for the pearls.
Cultivating Yourself
As important as career and finan–
cia! preparations are, there's more
to life than money. The teenage
years are the perfect time to star t
discovering sorne of the excitement
and rich experience life holds.
Start by cultivating yourself.
Cultivating yourself means mak–
ing yourself more valuable and pro–
ductive. It requires wide reading,
sorne knowledge of the arts-the
finer accomplishments of humani–
ty-and social experience.
Wide reading can start in the
classroom and the library. If you're
unsure about where to start , ask
your teachers about the classic lit–
erature of your language. Don' t
neglect current events and history.
Such reading will give you a deeper
understanding of why the world is
the way it is.
While at the library, don't over–
look the record and tape callee-
tions. You probably have a keen
interest in music. Why not take
advantage of it by developing your
taste in various kinds of music?
Visit museums and be on the alert
for cultural events. A wealth of
beauty and understanding is ready
for you to explore.
Get involved in social activities
and service projects to develop your
skills in that area. As a teen you
have an advantage: You are
expected to make a few mistakes
socially. People aren't so kind when
adults commit social blunders.
Try to gain experience talking
with people of different ages. And
don't neglect the opposite sex!
you can learn to talk to a fellow or
girl while stringing up crepe paper
for a dance or participating in a
track meet, you '11 find yourself
much Iess self-conscious in a more
formal dating situation.
The Blggest Advantage
Finally, we come to the biggest
advantage of your teenage years.
The fact that you're reading this
magazine suggests that you are
interested in right ways of living.
That's great! Because God is
interested in you and your success
in life. He created the world with
certain laws built in, which, if fol–
lowed, will guarantee you a worth–
while, profitable life.
These laws are to keep us from
making the mistakes that cause sor–
row, suffering-every evil in the
world . Add this to your advantage:
Because you can learn about these
laws early, you can avoid the pain–
ful mistakes that have caused
others so much unhappiness.
You can learn about these sub–
jects by requesting a free publica–
tion of ours,
Youth 85.
A high–
quality, full-color magazine for
teenagers, and it is without adver–
tising. A magazine that covers a
wide variety of exciting tapies.
Written for teens about teens. No
other teen magazine is like it. No
other provides the answers-the
missing dimension in knowledge–
for the problems all teens face.
You need it! It's free! Check the
inside cover for the address nearest
you. You'll never regret it. And don't
forget to enjoy yourself and prepare
for a fulfilling life. That's what being
a teenager is all about. o