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is deliverance! I n Psalm 34:19, in
the Revised Standard Version,
we read: "Many a re the afflic–
tions of the righteous; but the
Lord delivers him out of them
all." And in the 18th verse we
read : "The Lord is near to the
brokenhe;1rted; a nd saves the
crushed in spirit."
l f we want that prayer an–
swered-if we want the blessings
of God, and not the curses of
transgression-the way is to for–
sake our ways, and our thoughts
a nd return to God's ways.
How to Have More
Throughout the Scriptures God
makes it a law that the first tenth
of every individual 's income shall
be paid to God through His own
called and chosen servant-for
the purpose of proclaiming His
Gospel message!
That law has a lways been in
force and effect. We fi nd Abra–
ham, 400 years befare Mases,
paying the tithe or the first tenth
· of his income to God's High
Priest. Four hundred years later,
when the Levítica! priesthood
started, we find the tithing law
continued. During that period
God commanded the people to
pay the tithes to God's servants
for that dispensation-the Le–
And in H,ebrews 7 in the New
Testament, God shows us that,
since the priesthood is changed to
that of Jesus Christ, there is a lso
ma de a cha nge in the la w
respecting tithes- not an aboli–
tion of that law, but a change.
The tithes are now paid to the
New Testament minist ry of J esus
Christ for the great commission
of proclaiming His Gospel-the
very Gospel Christ preached-to
the world today! In
9 the apostle Paul is inspired of
God to instruct us that God has
ordained that the New Testa–
ment Gospel ministry of Christ
shall be financed as the Levítica!
priesthood of the old covenant–
by the t ithes and free.-wi ll offer–
ings of the people.
God 's own fina ncia! system is
making possibJe
July 1980
WORK OF Goo in proclaiming
tbe Gospel Christ preached to the
world on "The World Tomor–
row"! Hundreds are writing in
asking, how can you send out this
powerful broadcast to the world,
without publicly asking for mon–
ey-how can you publish a mag–
azine of worldwide circulation
without subscript ion price? The
plain, simple, straightforward an–
swer is,
is the Work of Goo,
and it is sponsored a nd endowed
only by God Almighty, through
faith-and it is financed a nd con–
ducted God's way, as G,od directs
in His Word! God has simply laid
it on the hearts of enough individ–
uals-many of them belonging to
no denomination or reiigious or–
ganization, others belonging per–
haps to many churches or denom–
inations- to pay God's tithe and
give generous offerings to God
through His called and chosen
servan t whom He uses a nd
through whom He speaks! This is
the doing and work of God!
But now I want to show you
more of the blessings for obe–
dience and for honesty in money
matters with God a nd the curses
for neglect or disobedience.
When you pay tithes you are
not g iving Óod anything. They
are not yours to give. The tithes
belong to God. They never were
yours! You pay your tithes- or
rather, God's t ithes. They belong
to Him, and He says you are
stealing when you take them.
God says to us through Mala–
chi: "Will man rob God? Yet you
are robbing me. But you say,
'How are we robbing thee?' "
And God answers, "In your tithes
and offer ings. You are cursed
with a curse, for you are robbing
me; the whole nation of you"
(Malachi 3:8-9).
Understand this: All wealth is
produced out of God's earth. It is
God who sends the rain and the
sunshine. God also has a thou–
sand ways of making what you do
pay off bigger!
When you work diligent ly in
this partnership to produce all
you can, when you are honest
-wi th your Senior Partner-
God-in paying Him H is portion
of the proceeds, then God works
with you, blesses your effort,
causes the partnership to produce
a nd earn more. He promises
repeatedly in the Bible to prosper
the tither. The tither has far
more retaining his honest nine
tenths more than the man who
cheats God and robs himself of
God's blessing in this partner–
ship. lt's a blessing, or a curse,
depending on you!
How You Can Prosper
in lnflation
Continuing in Malachi 3, verses
and ll: " Bring the full tithes
into the storehouse, that there
may be food in my house; a nd
thereby put me to the test, says
the Lord of hosts, if
will not
open the windows of heaven for
you and pour down for you an
overflowing blessing. 1 will re–
buke the devourer [crop-destroy–
ing pest] for you ... your vine in
the field shall not fail to bear,
says the Lord of hosts."
That 's God's promise! Why
don' t you put God to that test?
Why don't you prove Him to see
if He doesn't increase the value
of your income in this period of
inflation so that your own nine
te nths God gives you will be
worth more than your whole
income now, that your financia!
worries will be ended!
"But 1 can't afford to tithe,"
complains one man . God's an–
swer is, can you afford to steal
from God? Pay God His tenth–
and watch God increase the value
of both His tenth and your nine
tenths. That's the way to get bills
paid, to get out of burdensome
debt , to be free from financia!
A Spiritua l Blessing
Tithing is a financia! law. Not–
withstanding, the biggest blessing
of all is the spiritual blessing!
J esus said.• "Where your treasure
is, there wi ll your heart be also."
That, too, is a law. If your trea–
sure is in this world's amuse–
ments a nd pleasures- i f your
(Continued on page 36)