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Showpla ce of Asia
We drove and talked for
guide me, and show me
they face dealing with
As a Malaysia student
hours then stopped at a truck
to be masculine. 1 want to be
infertility. My children
currently studying in USA, 1
stop to use the bathroom
masculine-but what is
become even more of a
was rather impressed to read
facilities. 1 picked up a copy
masculinity? How can 1 have
b1essing to me, and 1 hope 1
the November/ December
The Plain Truth.
close friendships with my own
can understand better those
1984 article on "Two
days later when making phone
sex without the relationship
who go through frustration of
Showplaces of Asia."
calls, arranging to leave what
being sexual? ls it wrong to
not being able to bear a
would 1ike, however, to
we both thought to be a dying
want close friends of the same
point an error in an
marriage, 1 remembered your
sex? What kind of feelings
Pamela Sparks
accompanying caption. The
should you have towards
Por tland, Maine
correct description for the
Not really wanting to leave,
friends of your own sex?
photo wou1d be "Malaysia's
and needing an answer, I
What is the difference
Thanks so much for the
Buddhist architecture, Kek
began reading and began
between ma1e friendship and
article "The Childless
Lok Si Temple, Penang."
crying. The more 1 read the
female friendships? Could
Couple." Having four chi ld ren
Ng Siong Ka
more 1 cried and soon realized
you publ ish answers to
ourselves we were unaware of
Columbus, Ohio
that 1 wasn't going to leave.
these questions in the
what ordeals childless couples
That 1 was going to stay here
go th rough to have children.
Young Reade rs
with my husband and make
Name Withheld is oflen líard to console
1 am 13 years of age.
things work for us. But 1
someone, not having gone
could not have come to that
We slrall in fortlrcoming
through the same tria!
to read
The Plain Truth
decision alone.
now know
ourselves. Thanks for shini ng
1 can.
have to travel all the
that God led me to your
new light on the subject! An
way to Manchester to get it. 1
magazine and has also opened
Childbirth Alternativas
article we all needed!
find the magazine very
my heart from the se1fish
had to respond to the two
Mrs. Gary Ohnemus
intriguing as it tells about the
person 1 used to be.
articles in the
P/ain Truth
Elizabeth, Colorado
goings on in the world. When
wou1d like to thank magazine that arrived today in
1 hear or read about the
you for the magazine and the
the mailbox. "Childbirth
By the time you read this, l
starvation in the Third World,
Ambassador College Bible
Alternatives: Tbe Choice
will have already undergone
it makes me feel very angry
Correspondence Course. 1 feel
Should Be Yours, " was
voluntary tuba1 1igation:
about it all.
is very
God used your publications as
written by Sheila Graham in
saddening to think about
an importan! tool in
the most exciting way.
1 am young, attractive and
those peop1e, and 1 hope
directing our 1ives.
certain1y made me recall my
single. 1 don't believe in
something proper will be done
We are now pulling
e1ation and happiness
unnecessary abortion (through
for them.
together, instead of pulling
experi enced at our second
irresponsibility) nor am 1 vain
each other apart. We are
daughter's birth at home two
nor selfish enough to believe
Worsley, Lancashire
ab1e to raise our son in a
years ago. My heartfelt thank
that a child has to come from
l am 12 years old and
sccure, loving family that
you to Dave and Pam who
my body in order for me to
we barely knew existed
shared their pictures and
love it. 1 enjoy sex.
a new
Plain Truth
eleven months ago.
experience with the
What l want to know is
Upon the first time 1
Susan G.
why the majority of
encountered your magazine in
Harvester, Missouri
Much pressure today comes
responsibl e people choose to
a supermarket 1 sat down and
to take away the rights of
have children.
isn't going to
read it.
1 have read Mr. Schroeder's
husband and wife to make a
make them immortal. Provide
1 soon carne to realize that
article " Is
True Sorne Are
choice. The wife's body is
for them in their old age?
The Plain Truth
was the
'Born that Way'?" in the
given over to the whims and
How selfish! Learn/teach?
magazi ne for me.
J uly-August issue. This art\cle
demands of a medica! society,
You can learn lessons in love
Khanb-Van Le
had a profound effect on me.
in many cases after the
every day if you choose to and
Anabeim, California
You see l have had
"get" of the dollar. Thank you
also teach them on this great
Saving Our Ma rriage
homosexual feelings and
for the encouragement you
universal spiritual journey that
tendencies all my life. 1 know
gave lo couples to educate
we all expcricnce.
Last year my husband and 1 they are wrong, and I have
themselves to make a choice
So what's all tbis to do
decided to take a drive so we
been fighting them. But the
proper for their
abou t being childless? Jn the
could get away and come to a
struggle is
words of the gi rl who wants to
final conclusion about our
Also, to Joan
be my legal daughter:
" It
relationship. We had been
excruciatingly painfu1.
Bogdanchik and the article
no biggie." You love and you
fighting and hurting each
like being on drugs-you're
"The Childless Couple," 1
gel love: by God and your
other for so long. Always
appreciate the awareness I
fellow humans.
withdrawing wben the other
Part of the problem is that
received of couples not able to
Ms. Alex Kulakis
needed to share and talk.
1 grew up without a father to
have children, ami the feelings
New Yor k City
Apri l 1985