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languages. lndians speak 15
machine tools, textiles,
contrasts, the probtems are
main languages and nearly
fertilizers and chemicals.
still massive. Half the
800 other languages and
Rich in natural resources,
population is chronically
dialects. The dominan!
India is also a leading
malnourished. Only one in
language is Hindi.
producer of coal, iron,
four can read and write.
I ndia, now under the
Practically all religions are
electricity, forestry products
Scenes of human misery are
leadership of Rajio
represented in India. Four
and rubber.
stitt att too common. Overall,
Gandhi, is the second most
out of five tndians are
But India is still ptagued by progress has been painfully
heavily poputated country in
Hindus, with Mostems
widespread poverty and
stow because of the
the world, alter its northern
constituting the biggest
malnutrition. In this land of
population exptosion.
stimutants), driving in heavy
traffic, taking a test, asking
your boss for time off or
worrying about your bilis
increases your blood
heart is your most
pressure temporarily. So do
mportant muscte. lf it
strong emotions such as
stops beating, you witt die. tf anger, excitement or fear.
it becomes unhealthy, you
Hypertension is when
can suffer from a frightening you're constantly under
array of ailments that tead
excessive stress. Your
to death.
That is exactly what
happens in the case of
hypertension. Your body,
constantly bombarded by
retigious minority. Sikhs
crises and excessive
represen! 2 percent of
pressures, is weakened.
lndia's population,
Your resistance lo illness is
concentrated mainty in
towered. And your heart can
Punjab state.
be damaged by a variely of
The Hindu religion regards coronary diseases.
catite as sacred and forbids
lf you are an average
neighbor, China. One out of
the eating of beef. Catite
person, your heart beats
every six persons on the
are milked but not
about 70 times a minute.
earth today lives in India,
That's more than 100,000
jammed into a península less
India, with one of the
times every day-more than
than one third the size of the
oldest continuous civilizations 2.5 thousand mittion times in blood pressure goes up and
United States. By the year
in the world, is young as a
an average lile span of 70
stays up.
2000, tndia's poputation is
nation . lndependence from
According to lile
expected lo approach one
Briti sh colonial rule carne in
Your heart pumps about
insurance companies, your
thousand million people.
1947, at which time British
1,800 gallons of blood a
blood pressure is the single
Sorne 25 additionallndians India was partitioned into
best indicator of how long
are born each minute, which
Hindu India and Moslem
''About 90 percent
you will live. A 35-year-old
equals 36,000 more each
man with a blood pressure
day or sorne 13 million each
Given the enormous
of hypertension is
ol 150/ 100 will die 16 years
year . This means that India is probtems India has faced,
due to life-style, not
sooner than a man with a
growing al a rate ol
her success has been
" normal" btood pressure of
nearty one Australia every
remarkabte. Food-grain
120/ 80.
output in India has more !han
About 90 percent ol
Teeming Catcutta, with a
doubted in the past two
hypertension is caused by
poputation of nearly 10
day-46 million gallons in
life-styte rather than
million , and Bombay, with
increasing at a rate greater
your lile. Blood pressure is
physiological problems. Untit
eight million, are tndia 's
!han that ol poputation
the force of the btood
now, most physicians have
targest cities. tndia's capital,
growth. Though agricutture is moving away from the heart, treated hypertension by
New Delhi, has about
stitt the occupation of seven
pushing against artery walls. prescribing drugs. And,
500,000 peopte.
out of every 10 lndians, India
Your btood pressure is
while more and more
India is a tand of great
can tay claim lo being the
constantty changing, but it
authorities are reatizing that
diversity, reflected in its
world's seventh-largest
increases when you're
changing one's way of living
varied geography, customs,
industrial economy, exporting under stress. Drinking
is a better sotution to
costumes. religions and
a wide variety of machinery,
coffee or tea (mild
hypertension, it's still