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World's Children:
An ancient king once
wrote: "Children are a heritage from the
Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward"
(Ps. 127:3, Revised Authorized Version).
But for many nations around the world,
children are no longer a blessing. They
have become a liability.
One third of all people living on earth today
are children under the age of
percent of these children live in the poor and
underdeveloped parts of the world .
In sorne countries tbey
make up over half the
population. Millions of
them live in poverty and
squalor, without proper
health care, and without hope. They are growing up
sick and illiterate.
One Nation's Approach
Many major nations have embarked on ambitious
programs to stem the tide of extra mouths. One of
the best known examples is tbe one-child-per-couple
policy in effect in the People's Republic of China.
The Chinese were headed for a catastrophe. Tbeir
population doubled just since the Revolution of
1949. To counteract this, the Chinese government
decided to attempt to restrict all couples to only one
child. Parents who agree to restrict their families
receive certain economic benefits. Parents wbo have
larger families are penalized by fines and lack of
certain privileges. Although this may seem heartless,
the Chinese point out that those who cooperate with
the one-child program sbould not have to bear the