Sure Way to End Fe ar of
Today l subscribed.
delighted to find on reading it
months too late to help lan,
Nucle ar War
l was wondering if you
what worthwhile reading it
but l hope it helps others who
1 just read your terrific
could print an article on the made. Your articles deal with
find themselves in a similar
article "The Sure Way to End
effect of drugs in a
a great many issues especially
the Fear of Nuclear War
how to live to God's law,
Mrs. B. McKenna
Now!" lt was a fantastic
am 19 years old and
something that interests me
Co. Wateñ ord
article for severa! reasons.
finally drug free and proud
greatly, especially in today's
New Wrapping for
of it. My fiancé is 25 years
world. 1 feel sure
The Plain
First, it accurately points out
old and feels
he gives up
will give clear,
Australian Edition
where the U.S. is today. We
depend on expensive tools of
marij uana, d r inki ng, etc. he
The changing of the
will lose his fr iends. I've
understandable reading of the
packaging means that 1
war that may not do the job.
searched for an explanation
truth and it will be up to me
The Plain Truth
T hese tools presuppose that
of why he (and 1, too)
to be frank with myself and to
without rabbit's ears and
God doesn't exist and, that
even if he does exist, his
wou ld be happie r without
be honest about what 1 read
creases as before.
power is insufficient to protect
drugs, but I can 't find a
and digest. The magazine l
Colin Buchanan
us. That only man's ideas and
reason that he understands.
have already read has prepared
Bul imba, Queens land
weapons can protect us. And
Could you help?
me a little for what to expect.
Malta-The Little Country
yet, we claim to be a Christian
Many of our friends have
Mrs. E. Finnegan
That Could
this same problem of drugs
Bristol, Avon
running their friendships.
1 am nearly 17 and until the
J . Eric
Salem, Kentucky
Susan T .
Having received the past
time 1 began reading your
Santa Maria, California
five issues of
The Plain Truth
wonderful magazine 1 was
Seven Laws o f Success
New Subscribers
1 must comment on the fine
quite a pessimist because 1 did
standard of this magazine. 1
not find anyone to explain all
1 have been reading your
Many thanks for sending
enjoy reading the reasoned
my problems to me. Not until
magazine now for sorne time,
Plain Truth
so regularly and
arguments and 1 feel
my brother brougbt me one of
and it is botb informative and
gratis! How on earth do you
enlightened to many important your magazines and told meto
extremely pleasurable and
do it-with no advertising and
issues which tend to remain
subscribe in it. Your articles
interesting to read. 1 look
apparently no source of
oblivious to the public eye. 1
have taught me how to look at
forward to reading it each
am studying for a B.Sc. Hons.
the world and myself from a
month, and to distributing it
All the best to you and your degree in Economics and
better point ofview and they
amongst my family and sta.ff.
organization, though I, as a
Politics, and l find sorne
always fill me with hope. 1
My cbildren aged 15 and 13
retired journalist, now 78, am
articles interesting and useful.
liked especially your article
enjoy reading your magazine
far from being a religious
A. Higgins
about Malta, my homeland.
and finding out what is
What you wrote stands in
happening in the world t hat
contrast with what others bave
they will soon inherit.
Buderim, Queensland
My son, lan Bailey, was
been saying about this nation.
A member of my staff
receiving your monthly
1 hope that the former helps
asked me to write to you in
I would like to thank you
magazines, but unfortunately
the somewhat tarnished image
relation to an advertisement he for sending me a copy of
he was drowned in the river
of our group of little
saw for a book called
Plain Truth
each month and
on 5th May, and therefore 1
Seven Laws of Success.
to express my appreciation for
would appreciate it if you
The magazine has helped me
my employees seemed very
this great magazine.
could cancel his subscription.
improve spiritually, too. 1 was
interested in this book, and 1
Your articles on current
However, since his death, 1
searching for a way to pray in a
wonder if it is possible to gel
events and bow tbey relate to
have become interested in
better and more fruitful way.
a few copies for their office
Bible propbecies are truly
your literature, and would like
Tben 1 read tbe article ' ls
desks. l am sure that this book remarkable. Even more
to continue receiving them in
There Anybody Up Tbere?'
will provide great motivation
remarkable is the very wide
my own name. 1 would also
and it was al! that
and encouragement to my
circulation of this magazine
like a copy of
Why Were You
You may not believe it but
fami ly and business employees, and the many eyes that are
United Stares and
this magazine has even helped
and l would be delighted if
being opened to the truth.
Britain in Prophecy
and any
me in the essays 1 am assigned
you could forward a few
Mrs. N.M. Juggan
literature you may have
todo at home from my
available on the resurrection.
teachers at school. 1 also
J eff Klein
My son was almos! 19, and
recommend it to my friends. If
As a pensioner I was
had many problems, which 1
they do not start to subscribe
delighted to receive a copy of
couldn't seem to help him
it's because t hey already
Plain Truth
handed tome
with, one of which was
receive it.
1 pick up your magazine
from a friend after she had
covered in your July issue.
Anne Farrugia
wherever 1 see it displayed.
read it herself. 1 was more
Regrettably, it was two
Victoria, Gozo
February 1985