day. See that he or she has been
playing with other children, is hav–
ing contact with other adults who
have authority-and responds to
Talk positive!y about your child's
school. Problems of excessive shy–
ness can be avoided if the child is
allowed to stay with relatives and
later a close friend or two for the
odd morning or afternoon during
toddlerhood or soon after.
Sorne experience of a well-super–
vised and sti-uctured playgroup for
a morning or two (avoid more than
this) can help prepare the child for
the school setting. Build it up as a
joyous experience-a place where
he or she will meet new friends,
new challenges and have a lovely
time. Take your child to visit the
school before enrolling.
. As your child enters on the first
day, and all succeeding days, he or
Changing Years
(Continued from page 9)
exercise in this manner, and the
talks you share while walking can
strengthen your marriage as well.
In addition to physical symptoms
and the ability to take care of those
physical aspects of menopause, it is
most urgent we understand the
emotional changes that will also
Fluctuating feelings of depres–
sion and irritability are not synip–
toms of encroaching mental illness.
They simply, to one degree or
another, are emotions one must
cope with at this time of life.
There will be good days and
there will be bad days. There will
be times a woman will forget even
(Continued from page 1)
spiritual-and tbe spiritual incen–
tive has been "GET"-"ME FIRST!"
Result? In spite of materialistic
advances there has been spiritual ret–
rogression. Trouble, evils, suffering
and anguish engulf the world.
"Is honesty the best policy?" A
magazine survey put this question
to 103 business executives, all high
in their lines. An overwhelming
majority doubted whether a strictly
honest policy would enable one to
rise to the top in the business
she should enter without you, have
a cheery "Good morning" for the
teacher, put the lunch pail neatly in
the space provided, walk in an
orderly manner to the desk and sit
quietly, waiting for the class to
When the teacher speaks, a child
should respond instantly, not when
he's ready to! He should not wave
bis hand frantically when asking or
answering a question. He should be
trained in finishing lunch within a
half hour and sit properly during it.
He should have been independently
toilet-trained and not embarrassed
to ask a teacher for permission to
use the toilet in emergencies.
Any questions or misunderstand–
ings you have should be directed to
the teacher directly, not through
your child. You will be laying
groundwork for an effective future
relationship with the school.
her best friend's name. She will
notice extreme fluctuations in ber
feelings of anger and love. ·
While hormonal imbalance plays
a significant role in the emotional
makeup, outside factors can also
play a part. A woman overly sub–
jected to stress is much more likely
to have fluctuating emotions than a
woman who lives and works in an
environment of love and under–
This brings us to the conclusion
of the matter. Every woman must
accept that she will enter into
pass through
menopause. lt is nota
sickness or disease, but a normal,
to-be-anticipated time of life.
is a time when a husband must
offer more love, understanding and
time to his wife than ever before.
world. Only two answered yes, and
one of these said he knew he was
being naive.
Looking_more deeply, past the
materialistic advances in the busi–
ness world, there has been selfish
motivation, dishonesty, dog-eat-dog
competition, disregard for the good
of others, sharp practices.
This facet of modern civilization,
like modern education, govern–
ment, science and technology, has
moved in the direction opposite
from the foundational spiritual law
of our Maker.
has contributed to
bringing man's world to an appar-
Uphold the teacher in your
child's eyes.
you don't, you are
undoing principies you have al–
ready taught. When school and
borne work together, progress is
steadily and rapidly made.
To help reassure your child, be
sure to be prompt in picking up
him or her at dismissal time.
Putting God's principies
basis of knowledge, your child will
now have the start of a giant bless–
ing that will grow day by day. He
or she will please all who come in
contact with your family, reflecting
your training and, by extension,
God's truth, for "even a child is
known by his doings, whether his
work be pure, and whether it be
right" (Prov. 20:11).
Our next installment, "Pre–
adolescent Years," will carry us up
to the beginning of the teen
years. o
Children, relatives and friends
must also pitch in to create a stable
and loving environment.
Then, it is a time to look forward
to about one third of a life span of
accomplishment and joy.
you have entered or are about to
enter menopause, relax. You are
going to go through sorne changes,
yes. You will sorne days be hard to
live with. You will have sorne bad
days. But they will get fewer and
further between. One day they will
Stay active and busy. Maintain a
good exercise program. Eat a
wholesome and balanced diet.
Then you may find, as one
woman wrote, "The change begins
at age 45 but, believe me, life
begins at 50!" o
ent state of hopelessness and a soon
future of utter destruction.
But that super-strong " unseen
hand from someplace" is now about
to intervene. He sends a voice cry–
ing out with the world's only and
sure hope! That intervention will
save humanity from itself. A new
and different world of PEACE, HAP–
PINESS and ABUNDANCE for all is
that sure hope. Mankind won't
bring it about. It will have to be
done TO humanity-and our moti–
vatio n shall be
"GET" to "GIVE!" Agree or not-IT