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to convince him he was wrong. She
said to him, " Honey, please don't
make it so 1 have to go through
terrible turmoil during menopause
just to prove you are wrong."
You see, my friend had also
thought morning sickness dur ing
the early stages of pregnancy was
just in the head. They have three
lovely children. The first pregnancy
was practically perfect. No morn–
ing sickness. No complications. A
relatively easy del ivery. A healthy
and happy baby.
So, my friend thought they were
all supposed to be this way. Easy.
Trouble free. And if they weren't,
he reasoned, it was because people
didn't think right.
A couple of years later, they
were expecting their second child.
He fully anticipated the same care–
free nine months as befare.
That was not to be. During the
first few weeks, the expectant
mother began to experience nau–
sea-extreme morni ng sickness.
Actually it was morning, noon and
nighttime sickness. Not just a few
weeks, but most of the rest of the
That's why she said, "Honey,
please don't make mego through a
terrible menopause just to prove
you are wrong."
I think he was now convinced
tbere was a biological and hormonal
change that does take place.
Education, the Flrst Step
Knowledge is one of the most
important ingredients to any phase
of life- but perhaps more impor–
tant at menopause than any other.
Menopause has been described
as adolescence in reverse. A young
woman enters into puberty at about
age 12 or 13. That is an exciting
time of life- and it 's important
parents educate their children
about this new phase.
A girl matures into a young
woman and her body begins its
preparations to make motherhood
possible. During the next four
decades the fallopian tubes will
release more than 400 ova.
In those years ma rriage wi ll
usually take place in the early 20s.
Many famil ies will have chi ldren.
Conception can occur on a monthly
basis. During a month when con–
ception does not occur, the unfertil-
ized egg does not become attached
to the uterus and the menstrual
period results.
But usually in the mid to late
40s, this all begins to change. The
chi ldbearing years over, God
designed the body to cease the pos–
sibilities of conception. But not
suddenly. This marvelous change
usually takes a few years.
Ancient and superstitious socie–
ties believed something was wrong.
Sorne thought a woman's hai r turns
white during menopause. Many
times women were suspected of los–
ing their mental facilities.
What a tragedy. Genera–
tions of women have lived
with untruths and un–
needed fears because of
improper knowledge.
Menopause is a natural
and normal part of the
life's processes. About 85
percent of women will
pass through the change
in life with relatively
rninor symptoms of
discomfort. The re–
maining 15 percent
may experience
greater difficult y,
but can seek proper
medica! help and
guidance to proceed
through the few
years menopause
may take.
Menopause is not
something to fear.
is a
passing stage of life that
may offer sorne discom-
fort and concern. But it will pass.
Women can find the remaining
years sorne of the mos t personally
rewarding, gratifying and joyful
years of their lives.
An Understanding Husband
For married women going through
the menopause, an understanding
husband can be one of the best
helps of all. Many meo simply are
not educated concerning the impor–
tance of this time in a woman's life,
and do not offer proper support.
Sorne of you readers may wonder
why a man would be writing this
article on the subject of female
menopause. One important reason
is that many men have not taken
the time to understand their wives
in this sometimes crucial phase of
life. And I hope all our mate read–
ers are reading this article.
My wife and I are now going
through this marvelous time of life.
I pray this gives me not only under–
standing, but feeling and empathy
for others. My wife expresses to me
almost daily how much she appre–
ciates me taking the time to learn
about and help her tbrougb the
rough spots tbat will come in even
the best of circurnstances.
Perhaps more than at any other
time in the marriage, a woman dur–
ing menopause requires !ove, atten-
tio n, appreciation and
Without a doubt there is a hor–
monal change taking place. To a
lesser or greater degree there will
be changing emotional reactions,
depression, hot flashes and lack of
Husbands mus t never let this
time in life lead to casting a wan–
dering eye toward another woman
or lead to neglect. I t is a time for
husbands and wives to spend even
more t ime together.
is a time for
a husband to reassure bis wife she
is even more beautiful than ever.
Remember you are both growing
older together. And if the wife has
a few gray hairs, sorne wrinkles in
the brow and has gained a pound or
two, so probably has the husband.
So in addition to education, the