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the time-· -just abead of us-wben
a King of kings wi ll rule witb per–
fection, not j ust a handful of
nations, but the entirety of the
This King will rule with total
fairness, righteousness and power
(Isa. 11 :3-5). Unlike human
beings he will never be tempted to
abuse bis office. This coming gov–
ernment will not have to be based
upon compromise or checks and
balances, or the need to provide
"compensation for human na–
This government is, in fact, the
government of Almighty God.
is headed by the Supreme Creator
who has appointed Jesus Christ as
his Chief Executive. lts other
rul ers will also have
The ruling Christ will be joined
(Continued from page 1)
"GET" from government, we must
not suppose political candidates do
not covet power. So in government
we have the merry-go-round of
people trying to "GET" from gov–
ernment, and politicians using
every strategy to "GET" or retain
What, after all, has government
contributed to the present state of
society-the nation and the world?
Government has not corrected or
changed the human nature way of
"GET," but operated with it. And
every evil dragging this sick world
toward cosmocide has been CAUSED
(Continued from page 6)
anticipated life expectancy would
ever average 74 years. The system
initially seemed to work because
more workers paid in than retirees
withdrew. Now this has changed.
Many people today, believing
they will be supported by the wel–
fare-retirement programs,
the government to support them.
They are no longer regarded as a
safety net only for those in need.
These programs are looked upon as
a right.
Young people, believing parents
would be supported by welfare–
retirement programs, now expect
in this future world government by
"kings and priests" (Rev. 5:10).
These individuals, through the very
power and Spirit of God, will have
overcome in their lifetimes their
prideful, selfish natures and have
become obedient to the will of God.
They will have qualified to exercise
"power over the nations" (Rev.
And in this kingdom too, "my
servant David"- the ancient king
of Israel-will be resurrected to
high office (Ezek. 34:23, 24).
Christ himself will sit upon
"the tbrone of bis father David"
(Luke 1:32) , completing a re–
markable cycle of rulership that
has intimately involved the very
throne of the British Royal Fam–
ily for almost 3,000 years. Write
for editor in chief Herbert W.
Armstrong's exciting book
by the
nature in MAN! We call
it human nature.
But we
government. The
alternative would be anarchy!
Governments of nations over the
world do work for PEACE- even
fight and war for PEACE! And we
still have wars. 1 know that the
responsibility of the chief office in
government weighs heavily on men
in such high office. 1 have talked
with many heads of state who
admit privately that they face prob–
lems beyond human power to
Sorne world leaders have said
humanity's only hope lies in a sin–
gle WORLD government over all
nations, with only one military
governments to support their
elderly populations.
A recent example demonstrates
this point. One family committed
their slightly senile parent to an
old-age borne. In order to avoid
payment the family members gave
false names and addresses so they
could not be traced. The parent–
who gave them life, who cared for
them, helped them when they were
sick, supported them wben they
were young- is now left all alone.
" 1 have my own life to live" is the
selfish attitude.
God foretold this pathetic atti–
tude as a major trait for this age:
" But know this, that in the last
days perilous times will come: for
United States and Britain in
to understand this
remarkable story.
In the world tomorrow, this
Royal Family of spirit beings will
extend the government of God out
from Jerusalem to encompass even–
tually every inhabited comer of the
will be the Crown and
chief executive power over all other
nations and kingdoms (Rev. 11: 15).
As the British Crown does today on
a lesser scale, it will pass along its
experience and proven success from
one nation to the next , "till He"–
the Messiah Jesus Christ- "has
established justice in the earth"
{lsa. 42:4, Revised Authorized
Even the glory of the British
Empire at its zenith of power will
paJe into insignificance by compari–
force. Yet in the same breath they
admit the impossibility of man to
produce it.
An editorial sorne time ago in
U.S. News
World Report
it a different way-that it would
now seem the only hope for human
survival líes in the intervention of a
"strong hand from someplace"!
The Plain Truth
believe it or not, both these solutions
will happen in our lifetime. MAN–
KIND won't change human nature,
nor set up the world government–
doesn't even have to believe it- BUT
And in this
generation we shall see a new
WORLD TOMORROW, with universal
well-being for all. o
men will be lovers of themselves
... disobedient to parents" ( 11
Tim. 3: 1-2).
Humans in their ignorance have
supplant ed God's command to
respect aged parents. "You shall rise
before the gray headed and honor
the presence of an old man, and fear
your God: 1 am the Lord" (Lev.
19:32) . God himself is, in fact,
revealed in the Bible as the "Ancient
of Days" in the book of Daniel.
Thankfully, God will soon super–
naturally intervene and establish
his government on tbis earth and
enforce his laws (Dan. 2:44-45).
The returned Jesus Cbrist will
rule the nations with merey and with
justice for all ( Isa. 61:1-3). o