Richard H. Sedliacik
What is the Bible? Why was it written? And to whom? Why do so
few really understand t he Bible?
Read this eye-opening article for the surprising answers!
be shocked
to know
the " Bible IQ"
of most profes–
sing Christians.
A survey conducted
by a Bible society found
that 98 percent of all
American bornes contain
at least one Bible. Yet,
another survey showed
that the vast majority of those
who claim to be Christians are
"Bible illiterates"!
Bíblica! ignorance is considered
"respectable" today. " It is one ofthe
curious phenomena of modern
times," comments J .B. Phillips in
The Young Church in Action,
" that
it is considered perfectly respectable
to be abysmally ignorant of the
Christian faith.
"Paradoxically, men and women
who would be deeply ashamed of
having their ignorance exposed in
matters of poetry, music, or paint–
ing, for example, are not in the least
perturbed to be found ignorant of
the New Testament" (page 6).
And so the Bible has become lit–
tle more than an obsolete book in
which millions claim to believe, but
very few actually read, study or
Do Theologians Unde rst and?
What are sorne of the underlying
reasons for such widespread bibl i–
cal ignorance and lack of under–
has little or no interest in
the Bible.
Unfortunately, most
people have taken for
gran ted what other
people, such as the lead–
ing "authorities" above,
have said about the
• \
Most people-
including church lay-
__ _ ,,,-
men and many in the
clergy-have not taken
• ,,.:---· ··:-
the time to really look into the
might expect Bible and study it for themselves!
that atheists and They simply have never proved
agnostics would not understand what they accept as "truth."
the purpose of the Bible and what
says. But most would be sur–
prised to learn that many of
today's ministers and theologians
themselves don't understand the
significance of the Book they pro–
fess to understand! T hey have
assumed as true the erroneous
hypotheses and theories taught
today in important seminaries and
schools of theology.
Typical of what leading theolo–
gians and biblical scholars are say–
ing today is the following comment
from a minister of a major church
"No mainstream Christian
church accepts the Bible as the lit–
eral interpretation of the Word of
God. Sorne of it is folklore, sorne
legend, sorne tribal history."
Another theologian summed up
the modern trend this way: "We
must take the Bible seriously; but
not literally."
No wonder the ordinary layman
What the Blble ls
Believe it or not, the Bible was
written for our day, this age- this
generation! The Bible is the most
up-to-date book you can read
In the pages of what author
Bruce Barton referred to in a book
title as
The Book Nobody Knows
are revealed the causes of all of
today's ills- the social problems,
the economic problems and even
the threat of nuclear annihilation
hanging over humanity today.
The Bible shows where world
events are leading, and what the
final outcome will be.
The Bible is God's revelation of
basic knowledge- knowledge of
laws and principies that humans
are unable to discover for them–
selves-knowledge that is other–
wise utterly inaccessible to the
human mind.
The laws of physics, for example,