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What Our Readers Say
Smo king
May we please have permission to
reprint part of the article "Smoking- It's
More Than Justa Bad Habit" by Donald
D. Schroeder? We would like to include
it in the newsletter distributed to our
parish family . We would, of course, cred–
Plain Truth
for the material used.
Mrs. William K. Sargent
Rector's Secretary
Fair fax, Virginia
My brother gets
The Plain Truth
magazine too. He was smoking marijua–
na, but after reading it he stopped.
Yelinda A.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ame rlca a " Pape r Tiger"?
1 just want to comment on the story,
"America- a Paper Tiger" in the Janu–
ary issue of
The Plain Truth
by Gene H.
Hogberg. lt certainly tells it like it is. 1
wi sh every one in the U.S.A. could read
Earl White
Forsyth, Montana
(Continued from page 39)
just to be a llowed to continue to live
" by bread a lone" !
Sorne years ago, a minister of the
Worldwide Church of God serving in
a Third World country organized a
movie for his congregation. One
scene showed sorne ordinary houses
in an ordinary street in England. A
child solemnly asked the minister ,
"When God brings Hjs Kingdom to
this ea rth, will we all be able to have
houses like that
That tells the story. If tbe average
famil y could have what the average
Plain Truth
reader has
would think the Millennium had
May 1980
1 am 77 and have watched the steady
decline of our beloved United States.
My father used to say that Teddy
Roosevelt, whose motto was "Speak soft–
ly but carry a big stick" was the last great
Gene H . Hogberg's article, "A Paper
Tiger?" tells it as it is .
Jeannette G. D'Angelis
San Antonio, Texas
That wonderful enlightening article
" America- A Paper Tiger" by Gene
Hogberg should be distributed across our
lands. "Wake up America." So many
don't care about the decency it takes to
build a strong nation.
There will be a rude and sad awaken–
ing when Russia takes over the oil wells
in Persian Gulf. The strongest will strike
We lack leaders with vision to look far
Marjorie Mansfield
Sedro Woolley, Washington
World Affairs
"The Arab World in Prophecy" was a
superb piece of literature!
made clear
come. He would be more than satis–
fied. But God wouldn't.
Although it is highly possible that
the average man has never heard of
Jesus Christ, he is included in His
plans. When Christ returns to rule,
the whole earth will become full of
the knowledge of God (Jsaiah
None whom Christ will rule need
have to settle for subsistence living
on the edge of disaster. It will be
abundant life for everyone (John
When resources a re properly and
fairly harnessed in the world tomor–
row, and nations concentrate on
peace instead of war, the lot of the
average man will steadily improve.
His crops will grow and his land will
produce. Fear of hunger and disease
to me in a way that no other article has
done, the prophecies as related to present
world powers.
My sincere thanks to
The Plain Truth
st aff for printing this article, and espe–
cially to Keith Stump for researching and
writing it.
Leade rshlp
Mrs. Howard
Farmington, New Mexico
1 feel impelled to write about "World
Crisis in Leadership" by Raymond F.
This gentleman talks of the breakup of
family life, blaming the husband and
father for failing "to supply the wise
leadership needed to guide the home."
Since when does being a husband and
father automatically bring wisdom? Just
what is wrong with the wife and mother
being the guiding force in the borne? Oh,
1 forgot! God gave the husband and
father the leadership role-whether or
not he had the wisdom to fulfill it.
Ruby Miller
Winnipeg, Manitoba
will be a memory. No one will ever
threaten him again (Micah 4:3-5).
Freed from the constant problem of
staying alive, all people will begin to
understand why they
alive. Then
the whole human race will begin to
move towards the attainment of its true
an!i intended potentia
The Kingdom ofGoa willlift forev–
er the crushing weight of ignorance
and superstition that enslaves most of
our fellow human beings. Including, of
course, that average man-wherever
l 'd like to feel that he could now
read this and tell it to his family. But
until things change, hewill never have
a magazine-even a free one- until
theworld tomorrow.