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right to another. If it doesn't bother
a murderer's conscience to kili ,
does that make murder acceptable?
Surely no one believes that.
Others say sin is whatever does
not "show love" to God or neighbor
and that's as specific as they can
define it. But here again each indi–
vidual is left to decide for himself
what does and what does not consti–
tute " love" to God and neighbor.
That's not a workable, dependable
standard or guide for conduct.
Still others would have you
believe sin is mostly dancing, play–
ing cards and drinking liquor. But
based on what autbority do they
make sueh a claim? There are even
sorne who seek to solve the problem
by saying sin and evil don't really
exist in the first place. What confu–
These are all human etforts to
define sin. Wben it gets right down
to it, though, it doesn't matter what
humans say sin is. What matters is
bow God looks at the subject and
what he says sin is. How does God
define sin? After all, Christians
cannot put sin out of their lives, as
they are expected to do (Heb.
12: 1),
if they are not taught God's
"Sin is," the Bible declares, "the
transgression of the law"
3:4). That is the real Bible defini–
tion of sin, plainly and clearly
stated, yet ignored by most church
denominations. Sin is the brea king
of God's law as detailed in the Ten
Commandments and other biblical
precepts (verse 24). But the reason
most church denominations cannot
use the biblical definition of si n–
that sin is the breaking of God's
law- is that they claim God's law
is no longer in force, that it is no
longer necessary to obey it. They
especially do not like the Fourth
Commandment about keeping the
How different from what the
New Testament teaches!
J esus said,
ye love me, keep
my commandments" (John
The apostle Paul wrote that "not
the hearers of tbe law are just
before God, but the
of the
law s ha ll be justified" (Rom.
The apostle James wrote that
"faith without works is dead" (las.
The apostle John wrote, " He
that saith, 1 know him [God], and
keepeth not his commandments, is
a liar, and the truth is not in him"
(1 John 2:4).
God must consider the matter
extremely important to have
inspired and preserved such strong
language! The question is, Why
then don't most church denomina–
tions consider it equally impor–
What about the Christianity you
are familiar with? Has it enabled
you to identify what is and what is
not sin? Has it helped you under–
stand the Bible? Js it supplying you
the answers to your day-to-day
problems? Is it showing you how to
receive answers when you pray?
The religion J esus
founded is more than a
list of beliefs.
is a way of life that
produces peace
of mind, happiness,
Does it give you real hope, confi–
dence, peace of mind? Does it
answer the big questions: Why are
you alive? What does the future
hold for you? How should you pre–
pare for it?
Exactly what
it doing for
Filling the Voi d
What could be more important
than to find out what true Chris–
tianity, according to the Bible, is all
about? To help you discover the
answer we have made available for
the asking a selection of eye-open–
ing publications:
Over the years we have sent out
hundreds of thousands of copies of
the booklet
The Seven Laws of
The formula for success
on the job, in business, in the home,
as well as in personal living, con–
sists of seven basic laws. This infor–
mation, based on sound biblical
principies, cannot be sold. lt is
priceless. We are giving it away
gratis because we are interested in
helping people lead more satis–
fying , productive lives.
You don' t have to be bothered
by doubts, fears and anxieties. The
Bible reveals a definite step-by-step
plan to rid yourself of mental tur–
moil. Why has so-called Christian–
ity neglected to make this plan
known? Learn about it by asking
for the reprint article "You Can
Conquer Your Fears."
Financia! problems? Our free
Managing Your Personal
How to End Your
Financia/ Worries
contain the sure
solution. They show wbat tbe Bible
says about your finances and give
practica! information on planning
and budgeting. Believe us when we
state that you cannot atford to be
without this information.
Who, these days, does not desire
better health? True Cbristianity is
a way of life concerned with the
total person. Accordingly, it places
the proper emphasis on living in
harmony with the divinely ordained
laws governing health. Many of
these laws are explained in the
Principies of H ealthful
Strangely enough, the Christian–
ity of the world pays little attention
to the immutable spi rituallaws that
govern a person's relationship with
bis neighbor and bis Creator. God
gave to mankind a set of rules–
known commonly as the Ten Com–
mandments- that are absolutely
vital to human happiness here and
in the life to come. Wben was the
last t ime you heard each one of
them thoroughly explained? Do
you even know what they are? You
need this information more than
you realize. Write for the booklet
The Ten Commandments.
When you read the Bible, do you
bave a problem understanding what
you are reading? Then the free
Ambassador College Bible Corre–
spondence Course
was designed
just for you. In the privacy of your
own borne, it takes you step by step
through an exciting study of the
Scriptures. You don't need a col–
lege education to join the more
than one million people who have
requested this course.
True Chr is ti an ity , as Jesus
meant it to be, will cbange your
entire life. Why not learn more
about it? o