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any physical heaJth problems may
be involved.
Therapy Controversy
The medica! and mental health pro–
fessions today attempt to combat
mental depression with a wide vari–
ety or combinations of drug, elec–
tric, verbal and health therapies.
There is controversy over the effec–
tiveness and safety of almost every
An arsenal of new drugs has
been developed in an attempt to
calm or correct chemical imbal–
ances in the depressed patient's
mind and central nervous system.
Doctors must often experiment
with different drugs, and many of
these must be taken for severa!
weeks to have an effect. Conse–
quent side effects must then be
deaJt with.
Mental health officials hope such
therapy will reduce distressing emo–
tions and feelings to more tolerable
levels. Meanwhile therapists try to
discover the underlying causes and
suggest a course of dealing with
them. Or they hope patients relieved
of sorne distressing symptoms will
improve by themselves.
lt is not our editorial policy to
make judgments about what is
good or bad therapy for depressed
persons- all of which treat the
effects, not the ultimate causes.
Such a decision is the personal
responsi bility o f individuals in–
volved or those taking responsibili–
ty for them.
For sorne seriously or chronically
depressed pe rso ns- especially
those threatening suicide or bodily
harm--certain drugs or other spe–
cial treatments may be the only
option available if rational commu–
nicat ion is no longer possible or if
immediate lifesaving is necessary.
An objective presentation of the
benefits and problems associated
with common modern depressive
therapies is discussed in the book
Depression- How to Recognize l t,
How to Cure lt, How to Grow
From lt,
by Wina Sturgeon; Pren–
tice-Hall, publisher.
Our editorial policy, by contrast,
is to reveaJ the causes of our human
problems-why humanit y i s
plagued with so much mental ill–
ness, with fears, worries and
The Misslng Dlmenslon
The missing knowledge about men–
tal depression is revealed in the
Bible. Here is spiritual knowledge
that unvei ls both the causes and
solution to most mental ills, fears
and worries.
"My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge [and t hat
includes spiritual knowledge) ..."
Why? " .. . because you ha ve
rejected knowledge ... ," reveals
the Creator in Hosea 4:6, Revised
Standard Version.
health is the result of
broken spi ritual and, possibly,
physical laws that God set in
motion and mankind as a whole has
Many modern minds think it
educated to reject biblical revela–
tion and the reali ty of immutable
spiri t ual laws. But if we break these
laws, eventuall y they break us!
Christ said, "And ye shall know
the truth, and the truth shall make
you free" (John 8:32). God's written
Word is truth.
makes us free–
free of mental depressions, free of
spiritual depressions, free of sin.
The truth that is missing in so
many lives and in education in gen–
eral is the true understanding of the
purpose of human life and of the
laws, values and altitudes that pro–
duce peace of mind, joy and happi–
Millions do not understand how
and why their human nature devel–
ops with so many damaging values
and fearful attitudes in life. Most
humans have been blinded to the
understanding of how they can
receive the spi r itual help and power
they need to overcome their dam–
aging human pulls and fears-of
how to deal with every adverse situ–
ation in life with faith and hope–
of how "to pray and not to faint,"
as Jesus taught (Luke
18:1) .
In coming issues you will read
important follow-up articles that
will fill in these enormous gaps of
spiritual knowledge. You will be
shocked to learn how humanity, cut
off from God by wrong values and
altitudes, has been set up by the
devil to experience fears, hopeless–
ness, futility and deep depression.
And, finally, you will learn God's
way of escape from every fear and
depression you now have! o
(Continued from page 6)
how to avoid the consequences of
wrong actions. Simply put, to deal
with effects, we must deal with
Avoiding Accidents
The basic rules for avoiding acci–
dents are reaJiy painfully (or should
I say painlessly?) simple:
Don't take dangerous risks.
Use proper equipm e n t, for
instance, if you go on a camping or
hiking activity and make sure you
know what you' re doing before you
go. When li ft ing weights, use cor–
rect lifting techniques, and don't
try to lift more weight than you can
handle. Find out about water condi–
tions or possible hazards before
going swimming, and don't swim
Weigh all the alternatives and
don 't jump into any situation
unprepared . Use common sense,
whether while driving, climbing a
ladder, working with chemicals,
running machinery or crossing the
T ake all the precautions you can.
When in an automobile, wear a seat
belt. When my auto acc id ent
occurred, 1 wasn't wear ing one!
Maybe you think you are driving
only a few blocks and there won't be
much traffic. Besides, you may rea–
son, it's bothersome to remember to
put seat belts on and wear them, and
an accident isn't going to occur any–
way. You've heard all the excuses,
and may have been making them
yourself. I did.
Sorne nations and certain states
in the United States have passed
laws making it an offense subject to
fine not to wear a seat belt whi le
driving. We say more power to
them. We wish stricter auto safety
laws could be established a nd
enforced overall, regard less of the
cost opponents claim such precau–
tions would incur.
You only have to meet a wind–
shield headfirst once to become
acutely aware of the absolute need
for safety precautions. The cost in
equipment or momentary inconve–
nience is nothing compared to the
misery that can come from any
type of accident .
R emove hazards when you see