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decorate it. Does the prophet Jeremiah make
reference to such a practice occurring during his
time- hundreds of years before Christ? Jer. 10:2-5.
Whose custom was this? Verses 2-3.
CoMMENT: Have you ever read a clearer
description of a Christmas tree? The Bible clearly
shows that it was an ancient custom to cut clown
trees, decorate them and put them in their homes!
God warned his people not to learn that way or
follow it.
Does Christmas Honor Christ?
One of the traditional customs of Christmas is the
buying and exchanging of gifts. Many believe they
are following an example set by the wise men who
presented gifts to the infant Jesus.
Why did the wise men present gifts to Christ?
Matt. 2: 1-1
COMMENT: The wise men were not starting a new
Christian custom. They were not exchanging gifts with
friends to honor Christ's birthday! Rather, they were
following an ancient Eastern custom of presenting gifts
toa king when they carne into his presence. They were
approaching Christ, the "King of the Jews" (verse 2,
Revised Authorized Version throughout).
These gifts obviously were not given on Christ's
birthday because the wise men carne a number of days,
or even weeks, after Christ was born. Notice also that
unlike today they did
not exchange
gifts among
themselves, but "presented gifts to
(verse 11).
2. Many who understand that Christmas evolved
from pagan customs originally honoring the sun god
will often say that they observe it to "honor" Christ.
But what does God say about following the customs
and traditions of the heathen? Deut. 12:29-31.
COMMENT: God plainly warns his people not to
adopt the practices of pagan nations. God will not
accept this kind of worship, even though intended in
bis honor!
3. Did Christ say it is possible to worship him and
still do it all in vain? Matt. 15:9. What did he tell
his disciples about following man's ideas on how to
worship God? Mark 7:7-9.
COMMENT: God does not want people trying to
honor Christ by following traditions and customs
devised by men. Notice again God's command, "You
shall not worship the Lord your God in that way"
(Deut. 12:31 ).
4. Those who celebrate Christmas end up
breaking many (if not all) of God's commandments.
Which commandments are these? Read Exodus
COMMENT: Christ's name is used in vain because
he certainly never put his name on Christmas; lying
is involved by telling children about Santa Claus;
and coveting material things seems to be the true
' 'spirit" of the holiday. And more murder, suicide,
drunkenness and a host of other sins are committed
during the Christmas season than at any other time
of the year!
The whole accent of the Christmas season is on
contrary to J esus' statement,
is more blessed
November/ December 1984
than to receive" (Acts 20:35). The question
most often asked at this time of year seems to be
"What did you get?"-not "What did you give?"
Probably no other day stresses
especially to
children, as much as Christmas.
God's Commanded Days
Even though many realize Christmas is pagan in origin,
sorne feel it is rather unfair to condemn the "positive
aspects" of Christmas unless there were something far ·
better to take its place. Happily, there is!
What days of the year does God command his
people to observe and keep holy? Read Leviticus
2. Is there great rejoicing associated with God's
annual feast days? Deut. 16:13-15. And is there
evidence that Jesus kept these very same days? Luke
2:41-43; J ohn 7:1-2, 14, 37.
COMMENT: These and other scriptures show that
Jesus Christ and the Church he founded kept God's
yearly festivals . These joyous occasions teach and
remind his people how he is accomplishing his great
master plan for mankind. It is through the
knowledge of these days that one can understand
man is, the
of life and all about the
soon-coming kingdom of God on earth!
1f you would like to know more about the true
origins of Christmas and related customs than could be
presented in this shor t study be sure to request
Plain Truth About Christmas.
I t is free for the asking.
And don't forget to enroll in the free Bible
Correspondence Course mentioned below.
- Richard A. Sed/iacik
The short study you've just read is a sample of what
find in each 16-page, monthly lesson of the
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course.
There are tapies on world events, family, the purpose
of life, the nature of human nature, and much more.
This course can help you begin to understand the
Bible as never
before. Interesting topics are
presented step by step.
Periodic quizzes help you
evaluate your progress.
There is no tuition fee or
obligation. You can
enroll by mailing the
request envelope in this
issue or by writing to
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