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space, few rooms, are noisy and offer little area for
children to play.
Their Challenges
Both Malaysia and Singapore have prospered
Patterns of life in
Singapore (above and
left) and Malaysia
(right): Merchant
vessels and tour
boats, Singapore;
child in traditional
festive costume;
worker operates
bonding machine to
check circuits at
U.S.-owned National
Semiconductor plant.
Malaysia's lslamic
architecture, Kek
Lok Si Mosque,
Penang; rubber
worker collects raw
econornically. And unemployment
is small. But can it last? On the
surface they enjoy cultural
harmony. Their multiracial
population works toward their
economic objectives. But the new
nations are not yet 30
years old, while their
diverse peoples are rooted
in centuries of tradition
and culture. Will their
stable governments con–
A Zone of Peace
Malaysia and Singapore realize
that their region is vulnerable. Both nations were
invaded and occupied during the Second World
War. They see the fate of Laos and Cambodia- two
other peace-loving Southeast Asían nations that
became pawns in a s truggle between the great
powers. Malaysia and Singapore are prepared to
fight to preserve their freedom if necessary.
November / December 1984
Malaysia depends on a continuing Australian
military presence at their base in Butterworth in
northwest Malaysia. And on allies in Southeast Asia.
Malaysia has trained and well-equipped armed
forces, and Singapore can mobilize its entire
population if its security is threatened. But they
aren't looking for trouble. They want their part of
the world to be recognized as a "zone of peace."
Can lt Last?
Malaysia and Singapore will soon be caught up in
a series of events outside of their
control. The ancient prophecies of
the Bible have not been generally
understood. Most people are
astonished to learn that they refer
not only to events long ago, but
also to the immediate future.
The climactic events that will
precipitate the end of today's
world as we know it will center
mainly around Europe and the
Middle East. But no region will
escape entirely. World trade will
collapse (Revelation 18:11-19),
and religious extremism will
mount (Rev. 17). The Bible
prophecies foretell that unless
God intervenes, no living thing
will survive this conflict (Rev. 19
and 20: 1-5).
But after God has
intervened, he will send
Jesus again, this time to
personally guide the
destiny of the human race
on earth for 1,000 years.
All humanity will be
taught how to solve, once
and for all , those
problems that have always prevented lasting peace and
prosperity. War, prejudice, racial tension and religious
friction will belong in the past, as this entire earth
becomes a zone of peace. All people everywhere will at
last be able to plan ahead with confidence. Singapore
and Malaysia have shown what they can do, even in this
imperfect world, in only 25 years. Think what they will
do with a millennium!
- Graemme Marsha/1 and John Halford