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Two Showplaces
Brisbane, Qld.
and Malaysia are
two of the most successful of the new nations
that carne into being when the old colonial
empi res broke up after the Second World
War. Neither was assured of success. Each
Singapore is 26 miles long by 14 miles wide.
a population of 2.5 million- 76 percent Chinese,
percent Malay and 7 percent lndian and Pakistani.
is one of the world's largest oil rcfining, blending and
distributing centers, a major supplier of electronics
components and a leader in shipbuilding and repair.
Singapore is the world's
second busiest port (after
Rotterdam) with an aver–
age of one vessel entering
or leaving harbor every 15
minutes. lts ultramodern
international airport is an
example of efficiency, or–
ganization, cleanliness and
floral beauty. l ts two run–
ways are capable of han–
dling a takeoff or landing
every minute, and 1O mi Ilion passengers pass through
the terminal a year- four times the population.
With more than 100 banks Singapore has emerged
had sorne built-in weaknesses that
could have meant disaster. But their
practica!, common sense approach
to nation building has led thern to
an enviable position of pros-
as a major world financia!
center of southeast Asia.
The island's newfound
wealth is used carefully,
not in grandiose schemes
Sorne ex-colonies wasted the
first years of independence in a
futile attempt to prove they
could "do it themselves." Now
their frustrated leaders blame
the past, and mortgage the
~· ~...¡_....;
fu tu re while their countries fall
apart, and their people wallow
in deepening poverty.
Not so Singapore and Malay–
sia. When they achieved indepen–
dence, sensible and visionary lead–
ers shelved their grudges, and
realistically appraised the poten–
tia! that nature and the old colo–
nial rulers had bequeathed them.
Singapore is an island at the
southern tip of Malay península.
Jt is a lush, tropical island with a
year-round warm and sunny cli–
mate. h was originally called Temasek, meaning Sea
Town. According to legend a visiting prince saw a
strange beast that he mistook for a !ion and renamed
the place Singa Pura- Lion City.
November/ December 1984
impress, but in projects that steadily raise
the standard of living of the people. Modero housing
estates have taken the place of slums and schools;
shopping centers, parks and gardens dot the island,