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(Continued from page
the World Tomorrow, for example,
there will be highways: " In that day
shall there be a highway out of
Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian
shall come into Egypt, and the
Egyptian into Assyria ... " (Isaiah
19:23). The fact of highways and
travel implies sorne means of rapid
transportation-perhaps even supe–
rior to cars as we
them. Rapid
transportation, of course, implies
Moreover, one of the few good
things about today's world is our
modern means of transportation and
communication which, among other
things, allow the Gospel to go forth in
a way which would have been
it make sense that
the great God would not a llow people
during the time of His direct rule to
have t be benefits (without the curses,
of course) of rapid communication
and transportation?
Consider that during the time of
God's Kingdom there will be times
(at least once a year) when whole
nations will travel to the city of
Jerusalem to observe the Feast
(Zechariah 14:18-19). How could
such gargantuan projects possibly be
done if energy was being doled out
Moreover, God's Kingdom will in
all likelihood preside over a vast
industry. The institution of
land sabbaths and the jubilee year,
as described in the 25th chapter of
Leviticus, means that many people
will enjoy
whole years
of leisure
time. Sucb time will , of course, not
be idled away, but used productive–
ly. One obvious productive use of
such time is travel-the opportunity
to see different peoples, customs,
lands. Such tourism naturally im–
plies abundant, overftowing energy
supplies. And since it will be God's
world, God can show man how to
use energy without polluting the
In contrast to the danger- and
even potential tyranny which the
energy crisis portends for this present
evil world, God's world will stand in
delightful contrast. o
(Continued from page
Spirit-inspired sermon. Three thou–
sand there were "pricked in their
heart"-"they were cut to the heart"
(Revised Standard Version); "it went
straight to their bearts" (Moffatt
translation) . In other words their
whole minds and attitudes were con–
victed of guilt and changed, ready for
repentance-a COMPLETE CHANGE to
Goo's WAYOF LIFE. Tbis led them to·
repentance TOWARD Goo THE FA–
THER. Then tbey BELIEVED on Jesus
Christ, were baptized, and God the
Father then gave them His HOLY
Now WHAT GOSPEL did Jesus
bring from God the Father? What
was the MESSAGE the Father sent to
mankind by Jesus? In Mark 1:1, 14,
15, we read: "The beginning of the
gospel of Jesus Christ ... after that
John was put in prison, Jesus carne
into Ga1ilee preaching the gospel of
tbe KlNGDOM OF Goo, And saying,
The time is fulfi lled, and the KING–
DOM OF Goo is at hand: repent ye,
and believe the Gospel."
Jesus proclaimed the GovERN–
MENT OF Goo, based on the LAWOF
Goo, to rule the whole earth, at
Christ's Second Coming-now
The KINGDOM OF Goo is the
divine born FAMlLY OF
Goo, of
which God the FATHER is Father of
the entire Family.
Today, by leaving God the Father
out of their message, the churches
of traditional Christianity do not
know that a real and true Christian
may be, in this life, only BEGOTTEN
by receiving the Holy Spirit-which
is the begettal of God- life-and
may be BORN a full Goo BEING,
immortal, composed of Spi rit, at the
resurrection of the just- at Christ's
In a word, by ignoring God the
Father, they make the life, Gospel,
deatb and resurrection of JEsus
Let us be sure we have God the
Father and the Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ BOTH in the picture, as
they, themselves, have placed them–
selves! o
(Continued from page 35)
society. They are to teach the young
the right way to live (Job 32:7; Titus
The Western world is backwards.
has the older generation dependent
upon the younger generations. God's
way is for the younger generations to
be dependent for wisdom upon the
older generation (Proverbs 13:22;
Corinthians 12:14)!
The basis of a stable society is a
strong, extended family circle ·an–
chored to the family property and
investments. The world is learning
the hard way that once a society cuts
its ties with the land and residential
property, it sets itself adrift. Notice
how the fifth commandment in its
entirety makes mention of the land in
connection with sound family rela–
tions: " Honour thy father and thy
mother :
that thy days may be long
upon the land
which the Lord thy
God giveth thee."
How so?
Respecting and heeding the wis–
dom of the aged makes it possible to
avoid many mistakes, thus promoting
a longer and happier life. The apostle
Paul, in repeating the command–
ment, added the thought "that it may
be well with you" (Ephesians 6:3).
What Tomorrow's World
Will Be Llke
When Jesus returns to the earth to
save this generation from its folly and
to set up God's Government, society
will be structured to conform to His
It will be the way that produces
respect and harmony among people.
Technology will benefit family life,
not destroy it, because God's society
will control technology, not be con–
trolled by it. Zechariah 8:4-5 de–
scribes that happy time:
and women
shall sit once more in the
open spaces of Jerusalem, the Lord of
hosts declares, each with statf in hand,
so old are they; and the open spaces
shall be full of
boys and girls
there" (Motfatt translation).
The very young and the very old–
brought together. What a wonderful
world tomorrow! o