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hat we behold in the world
today, both in the fields of management
a nd labor as now set up, is simply
organized competition and greed. Thjs has
produced on ly strife.
has impeded real
has robbed both employer and
Why? What 's wrong?
Men have been governed by human passions and
not by God. They're on the getting way instead of
God's law-the giving way, the serving way. ln the
world today men do not know how to find happiness
and freedom from fears and worries or from the
cares of this life.
Happiness is something that one can never reach
out and take. l t is something that you can bave only
by giving, and thc more you give the more you have.
l t comes only by finding God's basic inexorable,
spi ritual law- the way of !ove, the way of giving, of
serving, of doing good. The true basis of happiness is
spiritual, not material.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God," said Jesus
Christ. The government of God, the government of
the very Eterna! C reator who created every force
and every energy, who rules the entire
universe- seek first his kingdom in your life and
every physical, material blessing will be added, but
the spiritual blessings will come first.
If you do this, you will have actually to live by
November/ December 1984
every word of God, and that is your Bible. You' ll
have to study the Bible to find out bow to live, and
actually live by it. But you won't be living the way
the rest of the world lives if you do.
you do this you'll be filled with a dynamic
power from without. Most of us only have what we
find within and what we find around us-in other
words, our fellow humans or neighbors; but we're
not conscious of an above. We' re only conscious of
the within and the around. And within, the well is
dry. And around we find only competition, strife,
consternation and contradiction.
But there is an above, and we need to tap the above.
We need to receive and be filled with this dynamic
power from above- from God Almighty- the very
Spirit of God, the spirit of lave and of understanding
and wisdom, the spiri t of faith, the spirit of patience, of
power for self-mastery.
you do, your life will be
energized, it will become successful, it will become full
and complete, it will become happy. And you'll be
prosperous in the long run.
You will study, and you will use your God-given
mind, studying first to find the true way of life, to
show yourself approved befare God. You will devote
yourself, secondarily, to your job, your work, your
profession. What you set your hand to do, as God
commands, you' ll do with your might, with all of
your energy.
You'll be industrious.
you work for aman
you 'll serve to the very best of your abil ity.
work for you, if you're an employer, you'll be just as
interested in their welfare as your own. You'll free
your mind from all anxious concern and worry and
fears, for you'll have the spirit of faith, relying upon
the guidance and help of God Almighty. You'll do
your best. You'll trust God with the result, and
you'll find real peace and happiness and joy first of
all. The result will be material prosperity, as wcll as
happiness, within God's reasonable due time.
That's the recipe for success, for usefulness, for
prosperity, for real and lasting happiness, for the
full, abundant life. Yery few people follow J esus'
formula and so very few people are happy, very few
people are prosperous.
Nearly everyone today seeks first the material
prosperity, and people become so engrossed in the cares
of this life and the deceitfulness of riches- if tbey