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New Subscribers
l have today received my
first copy of the
Plain Truth
magazine which l must
confess l hadn't heard of until
1 saw your advertisement in
Reader's Digest .
then 1 did not know what to
expect. 1 have rcad every
article and will read it again
and again. 1 have a feeling of
hope at last, which 1 didn't
have before.
M. Taylor
Blackpool, England
Just recently, a co-worker
of mine told me about you r
magazine and the subject
matter on which it dealt .
Since my arrival here to
Alaska in late November of
last year, 1 had a chance to
pick up a copy of your
publications. 1 did so.
After reading
The Plain
from cover to cover, 1
thought to myself:
time someone published a
magazine that hit on all the
aspects of life today, and how
to overcome the burdeos of
the day. 1 havc thoroughly
enjoyed the January edition of
The Plain Truth
and have
since sent for a yearly
subscription of it. 1 have
found that your periodical has
also given new meaning and
life to my marriage, even
though my wife and child are
still in Montana awaiting to
come up here. Thank you for
a great magazine!
Rodney K. Allen
Eielson AFB, Alaska
1 would like to receive my
subscription to
The Plain
at my borne addrcss. l
usually pick them up at the
local copy-mart, but would
rather receive them at borne. 1
surely enjoy reading it.
Virginia A. Schloredt
Seattle, Washington
1 want to express my deep
appreciation for the
subscription to
The Plain
The in-depth analyses,
which you provide in your
articles, is exceptional. l
especially enjoyed the article,
"The Mark of a Great Mind,"
by Donald Schroeder, in the
October issue, and would like
more articles of th is type.
Eugene H. Rexilius
Angola, Indiana
Recently, a Christian friend
of mine handed me a copy of
Plain Truth
which he believes would serve
my reading pleasure.
Muchas 1 am always
tempted to shy away from
magazines that claim to speak
the "plain truth," 1 consented
to at least browse t hrough the
literature and judge its
contents for myself. To my
surprise, 1 found myself drawn
to the many
soul-searching and
enlightening articles in your
Having fa:ced the truth
The Plain Truth,
respectfully beg to be included
in your distribution list for
subsequent issues of your
stimulating magazine.
As a Secretary of His Grace
Gabriel Zubeir Wako,
Archbishop of Khartoum and
President of S.C.B.C., i.e.,
Sudan Catholic Bishops'
Conference, l showed him a
copy of the magazine so as to
pass over it. He appreciated it
so much because it serves the
socialjeconomical and cultural
activities of people. As a
consequence, he encouraged
me to continue in asking for
more copies.
Farida Akasha Giffen
Khartoum, Sudan
A few weeks back, 1 had a
phone conversation with a
potentiai customer, who
informed me that 1 had called
during his study period. l
apologized and was about to
hang up when he informed me
that he gets your Bible Study
Course and though it was only
his 2nd lesson, he could hardly
wait to get back to it. So
much so that he convinced me
that 1 too should send for the
Bible S tudy Course of
Ambassador College. Also, l
have already introduced three
people to
The Plain Truth
they, like myself, can't wait
for the next issúe to arrive.
l 'm always watching for the
mailman, hoping 1 wi ll receive
my next issue of
The Plain
Ray Jackson
Toronto, Ontario
Subscript.ion Renewai
Enclosed with this letter is
my request for another twelve
months' set of
The Plain
do not accept all that
is written in
The Plain Truth
but 1 always find it
stimul ating. The most
acceptable articles 1 find are
those in which you point out
the many misunderstandings
that have crept into
Christianity, which have
increased my understanding of
the Bible, and your
"international" articles, which
although not very deep always
seem fo be balanced and strive
to see the point of view of the
peoples who often get a bad
write-up in other papers and
Geoffrey P. himey
Reading, England
1 am serving here in
England for the British Army.
J ·come from Nepal which is in
Asia, near India. There are
about 4 or 5 subscribers in
th is battalion.
We are stationed here in
England for 2 years and then
we go back to Hong Kong.
Our tour in UK will be until
May 1985. At present
stationed here but very soon 1
will be going to Belize,
Central America, for an
operational tou r for 6 months .
But it is definite that 1 would
get the magazine through
normal army channels. l have
changed my address in the
membership card and wou ld
appreciate it very much if you
could keep on sending the
Plain Truth
for time to
Bimal Limbo
Church Crookham, England
1 would likc to rencw my
subscription to
The Plain
1t is an outstanding
magazine and therefore 1 can
only speak with the utmost
appreciation about its value for
me as a teacher.
me with very valuable
information and perspectives
wbich are so important in
educating children.
1 thank God for having
inspired people such as you
and your fellow staff to inform
the world about the ultimate
truth by meaos of such a
A.J. Swart
Lynnwoodweg, Arcadia,
I'm an old man and could
never have learned what your
taught me without the
"free" in front of them. 1
want to thank you and
everyone who makes it
possible for me to read
R. Michel
Victoria, British Columbia
1 have been very impressed
. by the fact that although 1
have received many of your
publications, 1 have
received a request for
payment of money. This is
quite uqusual to say the
Rae J. Stephens
Pink Mountain,
British Columbia