rejected by men.. . . And we [aJJ of
us, because all of our natures are
fundamentally inclined to react in
the same way]
as it were, our
faces from Him" (Isa. 53:3).
How shallow are the taunts of
those who jeer, "Why doesn't God
show himself? " He did. He ap–
peared on our leve), carne out of
hiding, so to speak. And we mur–
dered him, nailed him to a stake.
Think that one over!
that the end of it. To this
day, society as a whole rejects the
true God and the message of the
government or kingdom of God he
has had bis chosen representatives
proclaim. Because of rejecting the
rule and the laws of God, evils are
multiplying at a dizzying speed,
fast br inging mankind to what
would be self-annihilation-except
that the Creator God is once again
going to appear. This t ime it will be
in power and majesty, "and every
eye will see Him" (Rev. l
When God Appears Again
God shaJJ save human beings from
themselves and reestablish his gov–
ernment on earth. An awesome les–
son shall have been written. Those
who are still alive amid what wi ll
then be the rubble and ruin of
man's civi lization will finally come
to real repentance, forced by the
evidence-6,000 years of suffering
and woe-to acknowledge the futil–
ity and error of being cut off from
No longer will the Creator God
keep himself in the background
then. He will be plainly visible here
on this planel, dwelling among
human beings in a peaceful and hap–
new world order (Ezek.
that splendid age, God declares: " 1
will not hide My face from them
anymore" (Ezek.
You may now wonder about the
thousands of millions who have
already lived and died cut off from
God. How and when will they be
able to benefit from the lessons of
history they themselves have had a
part in writing? God in bis fairness
has not left out aJJ these thousands
of millions of people. W rite for the
eye-opening article " l s T his the
Only Day of Salvation?" You 've
never read anyth ing like it , yet it is
the truth straight from the pages of
your Bible! o
(Continued from page 28)
working out in practica! terms on
the grass roots level?
A: To that
can give a very clear
affirmative. We treat our children
in this school as ordinary children.
They are not elitist in any way and
there is no attempt within the
school to put an elitist cover on
either teachers or governors or chil–
dren or parents.
would know we
had failed if this were to occur.
1realize t hat Lagan, or any insti–
tution like it, i s not a cure for all the
ills in Northern l reland. But do you
believe you will markedly change
some of the bitter hatreds that have
been built up over a long period of
A: We firmly believe that we can
contribute in a positive way to the
amelioration of the feelings that
over the past 14 years have risen to
great heights, at times with appall–
ing losses in human life and in
human dignity.
W e- trustees and teacher s
alike-know that there is no over–
night cure for this. But we believe
that the contribution which All
Children Together Movement has
made in Lagan College will have an
impact upon the general scene in
Our whole target has been to pro–
vide a positive contribution and we
have never, and will never, become
destructive critics of either of the
two predominant systems in the
country, i.e. the Catholic maintained
system or the controlled
ipso jacto
Protestant system. That is not our
way of approaching the matter. o
hen all human beings-you included-have earned
the death penalty for sin. The Bible also reveals that
the word
means exactly that-complete
cessation of life, not eternal existence in heaven or
hell or purgatory. The most important question in your
life is how to be saved from that death penalty you have
incurred! What, then, is salvation? ls ita place? A
condition ? A reward? When do you
receive it? Our free booklet
What Do You
Mean .
Salvat ion?
makes the truth
clear. You may have· a copy by mailing
the card to our office nearest you.