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are bundles of pent-up,
explosive energy . And
that energy must be
released! When it is bot–
tled up, suppressed and
thwarted, it builds up
pressures in
children. The longer en–
ergy is suppressed the
more frustrated the ·child
Have you ever experi–
enced this? You are driv–
ing along the freeway or
the motorway. It's an
extended trip "of severa!
hours. There are few
stops except for gasoJine
or "rest" stops. The faces
of the children in the
backseat may be seen in
the rearview mirror as
they sit, squirm, struggle,
wrestle, tussle, t ug and
pull away at each other.
The longer they have to
sit there, the worse their
attitudes wil l becom.e.
Sometimes they will fall
asleep in sheer frustration.
They may keep saying,
Family outings, hikes, camp-outs,
building projects, hobbies,
wrestling matcbes with Dad, exercising
together are all invaluable and
constructive outlets that can be shared by
all of the family.
"When are we going to
there, Daddy?" "How much lon–
ger?" "1 have to go to the bath–
room." (He just went 15 minutes
The longer this agitation contin–
ues, the more irritable the parents
become. After all, they would like a
nice quiet, relaxing trip!
Befare long an explosion takes
"WiU you kids shut up!! Just sit
still and be quiet! We'll get there
when we get there and 1 don't want
to hear any more about it!"
Sulk. Pout. Fume. Resent.
The atmosphere in the car has
degenerated considerably since the
t rip began.
Simply because the parents did
not understand, nor know how to
cope with the factor of their chil–
It's a law of
nature- energy must be released.
must be burned up, utilized.
Yet children often lack the wis–
dom to know how to rightly uti lize
their own vast energy reserves. We
are told that "a chi ld
left to himself
brings shame to his mother" (Prov.
29: 15, Revised Authorized Ver-
sion). Children, leff to their own
devices, often use their energy in a
This is one of the principal rea–
sons why children cooped up and
left alone in a big-city environment
often resort to acts of violence and
vandalism. Children cut loase from
the warm and creative environment
of a clase and loving family unit
frequently become youthful va–
grants prowling the streets and
alleys of cities looking
tive outlets for those pent-up ener–
gies. Such neglect on the part of
parents is one of the key factors
involved in the formation of adoles–
cent street gangs.
A child should never be cut
totally adrift from his family unit.
He should be able to find expres–
it. He should never be
to his or her own
devices during those formative
years. (This is not to say a child
should not be taught independence,
self-reliance and responsibi li ty.)
Parents must strive to understand
their chi ld 's need for constant
activity aod provide ways for the
release of that energy.
Family outings, sports activities,
hikes, camp-outs, musical endeav–
ors, building projects, hobbies,
wrestling matches with Dad, walks
and runs, jogging as a family, exer–
cising together are all invaluable
and constructive outlets that can be
shared by all of the family .
Children should be taught and
encouraged to "think family." Ide–
ally, the family environment should
be the
enjoyable place for a
chi ld to be.
should be the most
interesting, the most satisfying.
A child who cannot find satisfac–
tion and activity within his family
unit will seek it elsewhere. Responsi–
ble, perceptive parents will recog–
nize this need and seriously strive to
provide the right kind of exciting,
interest-filled environment for their
chi ldren. Granted, it takes time and
planning. But it pays off.
Being a Famlly
The Creator God does not take the
responsibil i t ies of maintaining
strong family ties lightly. After all,
he created this oldest of social insti–
But pressures
from the world are tearing this
institution apart. Seldom do fami–
lies get together anymore.
In this hectic society it seems
there is little time for simple yet
meaningful occasions like dinner
with the grandparents or a family
reunían. And because we haven't
taken the time for such things, the
glue that holds families together
doesn't hold firm.
It's time to revive sorne old-fash–
ioned values and build more perma–
nent family ties. lt might just save
your family.
Let's take for example the old
custom of gatbering the whole fam–
ily together on a weekend afternoon
for a big meal.
you ever had such
wonderful dinners in your family,
you can aJmost taste the delicious
meals still. And wbo could ever for–
get tbe fun of playing outside with
your cousins and neighborhood
children while your parents sat and
talked for hours?
·that has been a part of your
life you cannot forget it. But why is
it gone today? Doesn't anyone care
anymore? And why can't you start
or reinstate s u ch family get–
together customs now?
Well, you can.