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one of Western Europe's most lib–
eral abortion laws. Italy's birthrate
is now among the lowest in the
industrialized world-evidence
that the Church has not won its
battle against contraception.
Many of Rome's newsstands sell
pornography. The situation is little
better elsewhere in the country.
These developments have taken
place despite strong opposition ·by
the Vatican, an indication of the
diminishing hold of the Catholic
Church in civil life. The truth of an
old Roman saying has been borne
out: "Faith is made here and
believed elsewhere."
Capping the trend toward secu–
larism was a recent far-reaching
change in ltaly's formal relation–
ship with the Roman Catholic
In a nationally televised ceremo–
ny in February of this year, Jtaly
and the Vatican signed a concordat
under which Roman Catholicism
ceased to be the official state reli–
gion of
taly. The new concordat
replaced the 1929 concordat con–
cluded between Pope Pius XI and
Mussol ini , which granted the Vati–
can many special privileges. The
new concordat, however, continues
to recognize Vatican City as an
independent and sovereign state,
ruled by the Pope.
Ancient Dream
Few ltalians have any illusions that
ltaly alone will ever regain the lost
power and influence of her great
past. But their nostalgia for anoth–
er, more powerful Rome- as well
as their desire for strong, etfective
government-could well find reali–
zation in another way.
Amazingly, many ltalians today
do have hope
for realizing their
centuries-old dream of
11 Buon–
That hope lies within the
context of a
United Europe!
Paradoxically, the otherwise in–
dividualistic ltalians are enthusias–
tic supporters of the concept of a
United Europe- a united Euro–
pean fatherland without frontiers.
There is greater enthusiasm for
European union arnong the popu–
lace in ltaly than in any other
Western European nation!
This was evidenced in a poli done
for the European Parliament in
May 1984. Of the European Com-
munity's member nations,
said they believed the uni–
fication of Europe would benefit
the next generation. The other nine
nations expressed skepticism re–
garding the Community's future.
Upon reflection, it should come
as no great su rprise that Italy-the
source and focus of a great histori–
cal tradition, the ancient Roman
ideal of
one Europe-should
be a
leading force in the modern drive
for European union. The very doc–
ument that established the Euro–
pean Community or Common Mar-
lamp post in Rome announces one
person's solution to Italy's crisis.
ket was signed
in Rome.
Writes Luigi Barzini: " ... the
Italians of all parties were and are
among the most fervent champions
not merely of the integration of
Europe but of its unification, its
setting up business as a third super–
Possibly it is
the ltalians
are a people who find strength in
the family unit that they see so
clearly the great potentialities of
Europe as
one family
of nations!
The Future of ltaly
This magazine has long foretold
ltaly's important role in a develop–
ing "United States of Europe." In
the July 1935
Plain Truth,
Herbert W. Armstrong declared:
"Out of the present ltaly is to
emerge a reiocarnation of the once
great and powerful Roman Empi re,
by an alliance of ten nations within
its ancient territory."
Bible prophecy reveals a coming
political union of 10 nations, or
groups of nations, in Europe- a
resurrection of the ancient Roman
Empire. Italy wilJ be an integral
part of that great poli tical-econom–
ic-military system.
And despite the increasingly sec–
ular trend in Italy today, prophecy
decla¡es that the Roman Catholic
Church will also reassume its past
influence in Italy, as throughout
The political muscle of the Vati–
can is rapidly becoming reinvigo–
rated. The Church is repairing its
battered image and moving ahead
with its commitment to encourage
the union of Europe, religiously
and politically.
As a series of historical articles
in this magazine has shown, the
past is pointing the way to the
future . in Europe. The Roman
dream of a politically united
Europe yet lives! And it
will be
for a brief period!
The coming United Europe will
be a great th ird force in world
atfairs-a superpower in its own
right. And ltaly will share in its
wealth and power.
But its glory will be fleeti ng. In
the end, Italians will discover that
the United Europe will also fail to
bring them the
have sought for so long.
But a
ahead! Beyond the turmoil that will
engulf the world in the years just
ahead, a good government- a
government- will be estab–
lished for Italy and the world! That
world-ruling government is the
kingdom of God.
A new age is coming!
want to know more about this com–
ing divine world-ruling government
that will bring peace to this earth–
and your potential part in it- write
for our free booklet
The Wonderful
World Tomorrow- What
l t
Be Like.
And why not at the same
time send for
What Js the True
which explains Jesus'
message about world government?
It's free, too.
government is the
government that will produce the
Iasting peace and prosperity that
Italians-and peoples everywhere–
have sought through the ages! o