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"Bader-Meinhoff" is a
it was too late.
copy of your magazine and
beacon in a thick fog. My
spe/ling current in major
(name withheld)
enjoyed reading it and have
confusion is clearing up, and 1
British newspapers.
Brantford, Ontario
been a subscriber since.
feel 1 have finally found the
"Baader-Meinhoff" is the
Unknown Warrior
Mar y K. Sweeney
true meaning of man's
American spel/ing. Variations
Danbury, Connecticut
relationship with God.
in spelling names are
"Salute to the Unknown
like to do my part to help
inevitable in the English
Warrior" was the most
Helio! 1 cried to read " 1
further your work. Please
language. Since the article
fascinating article 1 have ever
Was on the Orphan Train."
accept this donation as a
was written in England, the
read. After reading the truth
Within the span of one short
monthly tithe.
author used the British
about the resurrections of the
lifetime, America has gone
Ginger Kimberlin
"just and the unjust " and
from sending thousands of
Danville, Ill inois
Child Neglect
God 's eterna! plan for this
orphans into its heartland to
world, 1 was simply amazed
killing 6,000 unwanted
lt's hard to believe that a
As a victim of both child
by the awesome power and
pre-born 'labies a day by
magazine worth so much,
neglect and abuse, 1 read both
merciful !ove of the Almighty
abortion. America: weep for
could cost me so
of your articles with great
God. To prove this, all 1 have
your children!
little- nothing at all! l've been
interest. My parents
to do is open up my Bible and
Oiga Faiñax
reading your magazine for
systematically lied to the
read the truth for myself.
Wheaton, Maryland
almost two years now and am
world, to themselves, and to
Hats off to Malcolm Tofts and
Build ing Brldges
very impressed. Your articles
me-by telling me that whal
his God-inspired arlicle!
have helped me understand
they did was love. As a resull,
Brad Hall
Thank you for your interest
many areas of religion that
grew up seriously disoriented
Youngstown, Ohio
in lhe way of giving and
really confused me. Thank you
as to the nature of reality,
helping others.
may be of
especially for the constan!
which tremendously
Against My Be tte r
assistance to you in setting up
referrals lo quoles from the
complicated and prolonged my
Judgme nt
a kind of readership of
Bible. That allowed me to
other problems. Now, after
Regarding " . .. Against My
Plain Truth
in the Soviet
check for myself and to
years of psychoanalysis, 1 find
Better J udgment ,"
can only
Union please do not hesitate
discover the " plain truth" in
myself still unable to connect
say, What an eye-opener!
to Jet me know.
thought you
the Bible.
normally with other people.
easy to try to pul lhe blame
may appreciale sorne hislory
Leatha M. Seabaugh
have recenlly turned lo God to elsewhere and lo look for
behind my services. Aboul two
Lake Charles, Louisiana
solve my problems.
excuses for sinning, but
and a half years ago Lev-Aire
Europa and t he Churc h
A. Martin
anyone reading lhal arlicle
did an aboul-face from the
(address withheld)
and having even the leasl bit
popular courier deliveries in
have just received and
of understanding has lo admit
the USA and Western Europe
read my first issue (May) of
just finished reading
" 1
that there really arcn ' t any
and turned all its energy to
your wonderful magazine, for
Was a Victim of Child
promoting its unique ability to
gralefully thank you.
work in a boys'
David Bonaroti
deliver door-to-door in the
As one keenly interested in
home and truly understand
Cincinnati, Ohio
U.S.S .R., lran, socialist
European history because
what this man went through
countries, Israel and other
researching my family tree,
and that is one of lhe reasons
Orphan Traln
hard-to-get-to areas.
found the article on the
put others first , myself last.
In your April
issue, an
Lev-Aire also tried yet
Hislory of Europe and the
wish your magazine had more
article was published entitled
another move: Message
Church-Part 9 extremely
articles like this as a greater
" 1 Was on the Orphan Train,"
services to U.S.S.R. , Poland,
inleresting and informative.
underslanding is gained
by Henrietta Wiens.
Yugoslavia, lran and Israel.
1 especially appreciated the
through personal experience. 1
We would like permission
That, too, turned out to be a
clear and concise manner in
also like the article about child
to reprint thi s article in a
success. These "Message
which the article was written.
booklet of articles about an
Services" are utilized to
1 found it very understandable
Dale Swire
orphan colony that exisled in
satisfy urgent communication
for such complex material.
Sweet Valley, Pennsylvania
New Mexico in the latter part
needs and often preclude the
Maryanna K. Ordine
Do mestic Viole nce
of the last century.
use of courier delivery
Las Vegas, Nevada
Dorothy Wills
altogether. Lev-Aire has
1 would like to say a few
Lexington, Kentucky
become the communication
words about Ronald
bridge between the West and
read an article you had
article on domestic violence.
am only in
the East, the Capitalist and
written on tithing, and though
was a troubled man, and
seventh grade,
found that
the Revolutionary, between
it took me a whíle
used to hit my wife.
your magazine is "in touch
the governments and
had enough guts to stop
across your magazine from a
with reality. " After reading
" 1
businesses on both sides of the
robbing God.
sent you my
friend at work. 1 read the
Was on the Orphan Train," 1
Iron Curtain.
tithe just a couple of days ago
enlire magazine and the
understood sorne of the
L.A. Wyszynski
already feel better for
domestic violence piece hit
displeasure of being an
Lev-Aire Courier Ltd.
doing it, plus the fact that
orphan. Not only being
New York, New York
find thal my honeymoon will
sought help through
mistreated, but the whole idea
Mean lng of Llfe
cost me less than
my local church and found
of not knowing your past , and
will cost me
am happy to say that
always asking yourself, "Why
l'd always been bothered by
less! Anyway,
am on the way back to
here?" must be
the fact that what the
here is an offering
repairing my marriage.
frustrating. 1 know 1 am a
churches taught and what the
like you to accept to further
Believe me domestic violence
fortunate child.
Bible taught were sometimes
continue your work.
is a real problem. Thank God
Thank you for publishing
confticting. The
Plain Truth
John A. Hall
found the plain truth before
your magazine. 1 picked up a
magazine has been like a
Vandenburg AFB, California
Se ptember 1984