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(Continued from page 6)
near future. Most Europeans real–
íze there can be no goíng back.
Many remain hopeful that the
remaíníng years of thís century wíll
yet wítness a coherent, full-func–
tíoníng United States of Europe.
And they are right!
Foretold Long Ago
Bíble prophecy- as so often ex–
plaíned in the pages of thís maga–
zíne- reveals that a powerful New
on the horizon!
The Bible foretells a gígantic
world-trading system to be formed
in our time, possessíng worldwíde
política] power and ínfluence. Ulti–
mately, thís prophesíed New
Europe will possess greater popula–
tíon , greater industrial and eco–
nomic capacity, and greater
power than either the Soviet
Union or the United States now
Nearly a quarter century ago, edi–
tor in chief Herbert W. Armstrong
declared with reference to the newly
created Common Market:
" It
is one of the crucial develop–
ments of world history.
is bringing
to life a slumbering giant.
is devel–
oping into-creating- a GIANT NEW
WORLD POWER, that will be migh–
tier than either Russia or the United
States! It is swiftly, dynamically, ful –
filling PROPHECY! It is resurrecting
(Plain Truth,
September 1961).
The dream of a united Europe has
permeated the history of the Conti–
nent. The original Reman Empire
fell in A.
476. But Bible prophecy
revealed it was to be restored again
and again over the centuries. The
most recent attempt to revive the
Roman Empire was by Benito Mus–
solini. Today we see the last resur–
rection of the Reman Empire
springing to economic life!
wíll be
composed of 1
nations or blocs of
nations- but not necessarily the 1
now associated in the EC.
The final political union in
Euro pe will not come abo u t
through slow, evolutionary means,
reaction to dire
externa! threats to the Continent's
very existence! The "founding
father" of the Common Market ,
J ean Monnet, foresaw this when he
September 1984
remarked that
is the real
federator." The years
just ahead
will provide the specific events tbat
will trigger the final, sudden , des–
perate fusion of Europe.
Moreover, prophecy reveals that
will have its part to play in
inspiring enthusiasm for European
unity. The Roman Catholic Church,
locked in a struggle with Soviet
atheism and U.S. secular consumer–
ism, will reassume its historie role as
a "glue" for Europe, cementing
together the diverse peoples and cul–
tures of the Continent.
New Superpower
The stage is set.
Europe stands on the threshold
of unparalleled world power. By
virtue of its economic dynamism,
political muscle and continuing
need for Middle Eastern oil, the
coming United Europe will be in a
position to reshape the geopolitical
balance of the world!
But will this new power be able
to avoid conflict with today's super–
powers as she herself rises to super–
power status? Write for our reveal–
ing free booklet
The United States
and Britain in Prophecy
for the
startling answer.
The last, climactic reviva! of the
Roman Empire is even now in the
making. Prophecy is fast being ful–
filled, especially in the Middle
East. This European political-eco–
nomic-military- religious empire
will have a profound effect on the
future of the world- and on the
Iives of all our readers.
That's why
The Plain Truth
continues to closely follow ongoing
developments in the European
Animal Brain
cience has long struggled to understand the human mind.
Though the human brain is similar in size, shape and
structure to the brains of many animals, man's mind makes
him infinitely superior. But the di fference is not
physical and therefore cannot be discerned
by the techniques of modern science. Our
free booklet
What Science Can't Oiscover
About the Human Mind
offers startling
evidence that science has overlooked. For
a free copy, mail the request envelope
or write to our office nearest you.