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er: tbat thy days may be long upon
the land
which the Lord thy God
giveth thee."
And how might our days "be
Respecting and heeding the
wisdom of the aged makes it pos–
sible to avoid many mistakes, thus
promoting a longer and happier
Raising the Level of Fulfillment
Aged persons have more than just
experience to share. They have
ideas, talents, skills and commit-
ment to offer- someti mes to
extraordinary degrees. Botb the
Bible and secular history record
remarkable feats accomplished by
men and women in thei r old
Even in recent years, when the
youth-oriented culture has been
developing, there have been nota–
ble accomplishments by older per–
sons. At 88 Konrad Adenauer was
Chancellor of West Germany. In
their 80s Winston Churchill, Leo
Tolstoy and Alexander Kerenski
wrote sorne of their most cele–
brated works. Grandma Mases
still pain ted at 1
And what can
be said of the music played by
Casals, Horowitz and Rubinstein
in their senior years?
The editor in chief of this very
magazine , Herbert W. Arm–
strong, is President of two col-
leges, Pastor General of hundreds
of church congregations scattered
around the world, frequent visitar
to world capitals, Chairman .of the
Ambassador Cultural Foundation,
writer, and regular speaker in per–
sonal appearances and on radio and
television- all in his 93rd year.
There are other outstanding
examples also. Unfortunately, most
people, when they reach their later
years, just do not have the oppor–
tunity to do "great" things. Nor
are they physically or psychologi–
cally up to the task. Many who are
"Eat right from
early years and be
active in sports.
Senility doesn 't
come with age; it
comes with
inactivity. 1 didn't
start in accounting
till age 54."
Afton K. Cheney,
Assistant to Accounting
lying in nursing bornes or who are
otherwise incapacitated would give
anything to be wel l enough to
function at a fraction of the degree
attained by individuals such as
those named above. But the reality
is that they are not well or strong
enough. 1n sueh circumstances the
tendency too often is just to give
There are, however, sorne often–
overlooked ways for older persons
to make life more fulfilling, what–
ever may be the condition in which
they find themselves.
To start with, it is important to
hold on to wbatever degree of
health one has, so an effort should
be made to eat a balanced diet ,
emphasizing fresb rather than pro–
cessed food, and to be as active as
the physical condition permits.
Contrary to the line of reasoning
that says "you can't teacb an old
dog new tricks," a person is never
too old to learn new knowledge,
new skiJJs, new ways of doing
things. Sorne older people are even
returning to school or taking up
new professions. They are finding it
pays to be adaptable and flexible,
and to keep an open mind.
you are an older person, why
not cultivate new interests by fre–
quenting tbe public library, watch–
ing educational programs on televi–
sion? Consider participating in
group activities, volunteering for
community service in libraries, bos–
pitals and such, taking up a hobby,
getting yourself a pet. Broaden
your borizons as much as you are
pbysically able.
As far as relations with the
younger generations are concerned,
take an interest in young people
and children wben you have the
opportunity. Make yourself inter–
esting to them.
One of the complaints young
people often make about the elderly
is that sometimes they don't share
themselves and their experiences,
and when they do, it's usually the
same story told over and over again.
Try not to be repetitive. Strive to
keep abreast with what is going on
in tbe world today so you can make
what you say relevant.
And relax. Look at life and your
place in it with a certain sense of
Above all, don't live in tbe past.
Live for the future. You may not
think you have much time left. But
you are wrong! All eternity líes
abead of you.
Spend sorne of your hours
studying the Bible- the book that
tells you bow to attain life that nev–
er ends-exciting, vibrant, abun–
dant, rewarding life. L1fe that will
never be dull. Life that will never
be slowed down by age.
Why not enroll in the Ambassa–
dor College Bible Correspondence
Course? l t's fre.e and you can study
it al your own speed. Or, if you
have a problem reading, contact us
about our tape program for the
visually impaired.
Learn as much as you can about
the Bible. Not only will il make
your remaining years more pleas–
ant , but in it you will find the true
Fountain of Youth. o