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How strikingly was Deuterono–
my 28:7 fulfilled for the Americans
and British in 1945: "The Lord will
cause your enemies who rise
against you to be defeated befare
your face; they shall come out
against you one way and fle.e befare
you seven ways."
Yet sorne will ask: What about
disasters like the Canadian defeat
at Dieppe? Why the bloodshed and
casualties? Longsufferi ng Britons
have said: "How could a merciful
God permit the Blitz of London?"
Sorne who read about this marvel–
ous knowledge of t he identi ty of
the English-speaking world cannot
reconcile God's occasional inter–
vent ion with the defeats, fiascoes
and setbacks of the World Wars.
T h ese q uestions deserve an
And the t ruth is simply this: par–
tia! obedience brings only partial
Kings 18:21; Has.
7: 16) . Absolute divine protection in
war is only promised to nations that
serve God totally (Ex. 14:14). How
many nations are bold enough to
claim t hat promise by obedience?
God íntervenes at crucial mo–
ments to punish excessively sin ful
nat ions (Gen. 15: 16) and also to
protect his servant peoples from
extinction (Isa. 1:9; Gen. 49:24) .
T his was his pattern anciently and
we must understand tbat God's
basic approach never changes (Mal.
T he modero descendants of the
so-called lost 1
tri bes of the
ancient House of Israel are indeed
chosen to be God's servant people.
But they have been unwilling to
wholeheartedly serve God ( l sa.
43:21-22). God describes them as
"blind," bli nd to any sense of
national purpose, their national ori–
gins and their imminent chastise–
ment (l sa. 42:1 9).
President Harry Trumao re–
marked in Washington on April 3,
" J do not think that anyone can
study t he history of this nation with–
out becoming convinced that Divine
Providence has played a great part in
it. 1 have the feeling that God has
created us and brought us to our
p resen t position of power and
strength for sorne great purpose. It is
not given to us to know fully what
that purpose is."
July/ August 1984
Yes, even the spiritually blind
were once aware--or at least their
great leaders acknowledged- that
God Almighty gave them critica!
help to win World War II. But
none, it seemed, really knew why.
God reveals in Isaiah 48:9 that
he intervenes for nations not
because of any inherent righteous–
ness or superiority but for his
"name's sake." Woe is pronounced
if national sins rise to the propor–
tion they have reached today!
Understand now why God has vir–
t ually abandoned the American and
British people in recent decades
(J er. 14:7).
God had a purpose in preserving
the U.S.A. and Britain in World
11 .
They became the bastion of
his great end-time work, a work
that, from its American base, has
girdled the globe. That work was
the prophesied end-time proclama–
tion of the true gospel of Jesus
Christ (Matt. 24:14; 28:19-20).
You are now reading that true
gospel message of the kingdom of
God in the
Plain Truth
In the 1930s and '40s God's time
had come to Iay the foundation for
Jesus Christ's last warning witness
to reach the nations in power
(Mark 1:15; Mal. 4:5).
Only North America had the
financia! capacity, the full religious
freedom, the communications me–
dia and the ready access to Scrip–
ture to make this final warning and
the announcement of the restora–
tion of the government of God to
this earth possible. So God helped
the Allies win World War
And that is the final, transcend–
ing aspect to the untold story of
ankind today stands at the brink of a nuclear war that
could erase all life from earth! Why do leaders lack
the know-how to solve world troubles? What is the
missing dimension in human knowledge? lt all started with two
trees. The first humans could have chosen the tree of life,
which would have provided happiness and eterna! life. But
they took the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, and that decision has led to the
multiple crises that even now threaten our
existence. Our booklet
Never Befare
Understood-Why Humanity Cannot So/ve lts
explains the cause of world problems
and how they will be solved. For your free
copy write to our office nearest you.