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not having brought the penalty of
death on himself, Jesus would pay
the penalty of human sin–
OEATH- in man's stead.
So, thereupon, God also decreed
at the very foundation of the earth
that, as in Adam all humans would
die- because all humans have
sinned- so IN CHRIST, the SAME
ALL might be made alive
by a res–
from tbe dead, AFTER
their penalty had been paid for
them by Jesus Christ.
So humanity's only HOPE is
through the RESURRECTION from the
dead and due to the fact Jesus paid
their death penalty in their stead.
-God could not reopen the TREE
OF LIFE to humans in general UNTIL
after Jesus had come and paid the
death penalty for humans- all of
whom have sinned.
God did not send Jesus to pay
this penalty for sorne 4,000 years–
now nearly 2,000 years ago. Mean–
while, multiple millions of people
bad lived and died. So the PLAN of
God (God's MASTER PLAN) for ful–
filling his PURPOSE of reproducing
himself through humans, had to
with Jesus, the second Adam.
God had allowed this world to be
founded by the first Adam. He
tbe very
God's world through Christ, the
second Adam. He started it by the
one man-Jesus. Jesus said he
would build his Church. The
Church is the embryonic beginning
of God's new civilization.
Just as God established bis gov–
ernment on earth through the cher–
ub whom we call Lucifer, whom
God set on the throne of the earth,
so God's new civilization will be the
government of God reestablished
on earth through Christ and the
Church. So God started the NEW
civilization-or government–
through Jesus, with the 12 apostles
Jesus selected, called and chose out
of the generation then living, in the
first century A.D.
But the Church had to start
small and grow.
started with the
12 apostles and the 120 baptized
the day of Pentecost, A.D. 31, the
day the Church was founded.
Jesus said: "1 will build my
church" (Matt. 16:18). In Ephe–
sians 2:21, the Church is called a
building-actually the spiritual
temple of God.
had a FOUNOA–
TION (verse 20). Its foundation is
Jesus Christ, along with the apos–
tles and prophets (Eph . 2: 19-22).
Now consider this teaching of
Jesus: "Therefore whosoever hear–
eth tbese sayings of mine, and doeth
them, I will liken him unto a wise
man, which built bis house upon a
rock: and the rain descended, and
the floods carne, and the winds blew,
and beat upon that house; and it fell
not: for it was founded upon a rock.
And every one that heareth these
sayings of mine, and doeth them not,
shall be likened unto a foolish man,
which built his house upon the sand :
and the rain descended, and the
floods carne, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell: and
great was the fall of it" (Matt. 7:24-
27). Jesus was referring to the
Church, built upon the FOUNOATION
of Christ ("and that Rock was
Christ"-I Cor. 10:4); also to this
world built upon the "sand" of Satan
the devil and Satan's ways of vanity,
self-centeredness, lust, competition
and strife-the way Adam chose–
AY on which this world was
FOUNOEO. Jesus was going back to
the FOUNOATIONS of the world, and
of the Church . He likened them to
The building that is the world
and its society and civilization- its
systems, customs, governments and
ways- is a superstructure, as men–
tioned before, shot through and
through with faulty materials and
workmanship. And God is going to
Jet that building (the world built on
MAN'S concepts of good and evil)
God says, "Except the Lord
build the house, they labour in vain
that build it" (Ps. 127:1).
SATAN, not God, built this house.
Jesus did not come to REPAIR the
improperly constructed building
that is this world. He is not trying to
save the superstructure built on the
foundation of Satan.
Instead, Jesus said : "Come out
from among them [ofthis world], and
be ye separate" (11 Cor. 6: 17-18).
Coming-A New Civilization!
Jesus chose bis 12 apostles to be
part, with him, of the foundation of
building-:-a NEW
What was Jesus' gospel-his
MESSAGE? What did be teach? Not
about himself and himself only–
but about the KINGOOM OF ÜOD–
which is the born FAMILY of God,
which will rule all nations with the
government of God, at Christ's
return and Satan's removal.
The process of human birth is
the precise type of being spiri–
tually born of God. Each human
might be called, by analogy, an
ovum. To be born of God, the
divine sperm-which is the Holy
Spirit of God, from his very per–
son-must enter into us, impreg–
nate us. We are then begotten-a
divine embryo. We are begotten
within our spiritual mother- the
Church of God. The Church is
"Jerusalem . . . above .. . which is
the motber of us all" (Gal. 4:26).
Then we are fed spiritually through
the mother, the Church, on the
spiritual food of the Word of God.
But we are only begotten- not
born until we "grow in grace, and
in the knowledge of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ" (II Pet.
is all clearly explained in
our free booklet
Just What Do You
Mean .. . Born Again?
Jesus explaioed to the Pharisee
Nicodemus (John 3:3-6) that to
enter the kingdom of God we
must be BORN again. Born of
Goo. And what
God? God is a
divine FAMILY. But, as Creator of
the universe, God also is RULER
over bis creation. God RULES with
GOVERNMENT. All government is
based on a foundational law. A
law is a code of rules of conduct–
regulating the relationships be–
tween individuals or groups. God's
law is God's way of life, and that
way is LOVE.
is outflowing love
toward and in relation to others.
For the conduct of human life, it
is love toward God, and love
toward man. That is the basis for
the spiritual CHARACTER of God.
What was Jesus' gospel? The
means "good news."
Jesus' gospel was the good news
of the coming KJNGOOM OF
Goo-and that kingdom is the
free booklet
What /s the True
makes this misunderstood
subject plain. Write for your copy
today. o