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Tomorrow's News
The foremost newscaster of all times reveals t he crisis into which we
are now headed and what the outcome will be.
the wall for today's civ–
newscasters and scientists have
seen that handwriting.
But only one has fully under–
stood it-and the good news that
líes ahead for aH mankind.
They Have Seen l t
Befare he died, Winston Churchill
warned: "Unless sorne effective
world supergovernment can be
brought quickly into action, the
proposals for peace and human
progress are dark and doubtful."
Sir Winston saw the handwriting
on the wall.
So did John F. Kennedy. In a
speech befare the United Nations,
U.S. President John F. Kennedy
declared: "Mankind must put an end
to war, or war will put an end to
mankind.... Today, every inhabit–
ant of this planet must contemplate
the day when this planet may no lon–
ger be habitable.... Together we
shall save our planet-or together
we shall perish in its flames."
Environmental scientíst Barry
Commoner warned: "We run the
risk of destroying this planet as a
suitable place for human habíta–
France's Pres ident Giscard
D'Estaing warned his nation whi le
in office: "The world is unhappy
because it does not know where it is
going and because ít guesses that if
it díd know, it would discover that
it was heading for catastrophe."
These all have seen the hand–
writing on the wall for today's civí–
lization. No wonder many ask,
there is a real God in heaven, and if
that God is concerned about
humani ty, then is not thís the time
when he should and indeed must
intervene in the affairs oJ his crea–
tures here below to save us all from
world annihi lation?
Men on the highest levels of our
society and culture acknowledge
today's problems. But they do not
grasp the solution- the good news
that an entire new civilization is
coming that will establish world
peace and bring prosperity!
"Mankind must put an end
to war, or war will put an
end to mankind.... Today,
every inhabitant of this
planet must contemplate tbe
day when this planet may no
habitable.... Together we
shall save our planet-or
together we shaiJ perish in
its ftames."
- Jobo F. Kennedy
Few seem to realize that today's
crises were di rectly prophesied in
the pages of the Bible, and that the
future is laid bare in advance by
Jesus Christ himself for all to read,
to understand and to find therein
the only way of escape!
lt is little realized in this day of
religious confusion, that the Jesus of
your Bible was the greatest news–
caster of future events who ever lived!
Jesus was asked: "Tell us, when shall
these things be? and what shall
sigo of ... the end of the world?"–
the end of this civilization, not the
end of the earth (Matt. 24:3).
Jesus announced severa! majar
events that would lead up to and
cl ímax in t he end of this civi lization
and the establishment of an entire
new civilization on this earth.
First, he said to beware of false
prophets who would come preach–
ing in his name and deceive the
many-not just the few (verse 5).
Then he described the impact of
wars lead ing to world wars (verse
7). After this, he warned , terrible
famines and pest ilences- d isease
epidemics- and earthquakes in un-
"We run the risk of
destroying this planet as a
suitable place for human
- Barry Commoner