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were tired, they said. And one of
them had a cough.
King Bhumibol summoned his
personal physicían , who took a
stethoscope and gave the elderly
lady a checkup. Yes, there was a
bit of a chest problem. The phy–
sician quickly wrote out a pre–
scription for free medicine and
vitamins. A soldier took the pre–
scription over to the team of vol–
un teer doctors and ladies-in-wait–
ing volunteering as nurses who
always accompany the King and
Queen on their visits.
The King spent severa! more
minutes talking to the elderly sis–
ters before moving on.
In this manner the Royal Family
made their unhurried progress
through the ranks of patiently wait–
ing people. Each genuine need was
carefully listened to, and construc-
tive help offered.
T he village people were happy.
They sensed that the Royal Fami–
ly's concern for them was genuine.
The simple gifts that the people
bad brought- a few pieces of fruit
perhaps, sorne vegetables-even a
puppy-had been accepted gra–
Every effort is made to make a
royal visit a positive and uplifting
experience for everyone. No one, it
seemed, was overlooked or brushed
By late afternoon the royal visit
was a long way behind schedule.
"lt's usually this way," a palace
officíal explained, "because nobody
must ever feel left out."
The hel ícopters eventually left
long after dark, a few hours behind
Tomorrow it would be the same
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again, and the next day, and the
is exhausting work, for
Thailand is an extensive couhtry
and there is so much that needs to
be done.
A Stable Throne
This is why the Thai Monarchy
remains a stable institution in
today's turbulent world. They reign
with gentleness and gain coopera–
tíon with kindness. They genuinely
!ove their people-and the people
love them.
Kíng Bhumíbol and Queen Siri–
kit have sbown for nearly 40
years-during which, nations
around Thailand have known strife
and civil wars in which leaders have
been deposed, exiled or assassi–
nated- that there is another way to
Iead a country.
to their credit
that their nation has remained a
comparative haven of serenity.
Thailand is not perfect by any
means. But it is a
much better
for having a Royal Family
who know that heads of state must
first be humble servants.
Their example is contagious. All
who work with King Bhumibol and
Queen Sirikit seem to share their
spirit of sacrifice and phenomenal
devotion to duty.
is a privilege
and a pleasure to serve with such a
King," a senior lady-in-waiting told
One day all the world's people
will be ruled by selfless leaders.
But not until this terrible age is
over in which all nations- even
Thailand-live under the shadow
of nuclear extinction.
Soon, the great Creator and Sus–
tainer of all life will intervene to
prevent humans from utterly
destroying themselves. Then will
dawn a wonderful age when all
people-great and small-will
learn to live in harmony, peace and
The day is coming when no
human leader will have to live in
fear, cl inging to power with force
and cruelty. They will learn that
the way of greatness is to encour–
age a people and to build a nation
by gentleness, kindness, generosi–
ty and patience.
King Bhumibol and Queen Siri–
kit have accepted their responsibili–
ty and have set an example by
choosing this way.